This is pointless to debate with you, I'd be arguing with a close-minded
leftist green zealot. Fact is, none of these global catastrophe hypotheses
hold water, but they sure make great copy in the leftist controlled media.
Look, we'd all like live in an environmentally pure world, but it can't
happen unless we all head back to the caves, go back to eating grass & dung
and have 15 year life expectancies. No one endorses poisoning water or air,
but when looney tunes start distorting facts to claim saying we're warming
the planet with life sustaining gasses someone's got to challenge this
tripe. Their real agenda is clear, and Kyoto proves it.
Now, for political reasons it might be a good idea to stop depending upon
middle east oil. To do that in the short term we'd have to tap our own oil
sources, like off shore, ANWAR, etc. Would the greens support this? Hell no!
They'd prefer total and complete economic dislocation of developed nations
because their vision is some ludicrous "citizens of the world" salvation for
the planet. It's a complete load of crap and sensible people have had enough
of it.
So, now, what happens when we begin to deploy massive numbers of solar
panels around the world, how is the environment going to cope with all that
HEAT??? Well, none of the greens want to answer that question, nor can they
address where all the space will come from to actually deploy these things.
Solar power is hugely inefficient in terms of it's actual power generation
capability vs. space requirements, and production of solar panels is hugely
Next, where, pray tell, will we place all of the so-called "green" wind
generating stations, hmmmm???? Oh, not anywhere near a green's home, no sir,
too unsightly, threatening to birds and the noise, WELL!!!
When greens get off their anti-society high horses and start working for
real conservation maybe then there can be some discourse. All I know is that
for over 30 years the same zealots have been waving their arms and flapping
their gums yet have not proposed a single realistic solution. As it is now,
no one can drill, mine, cut, dam, etc. All venues are off and the greens
can't propose a single alternative save go live in yurt by the river
somewhere and live on sprouts. Give me a break!
"tortrix" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> "Gerald G. McGeorge" <[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]>...
> <fanatical anti-socialist, anti-communist crap snipped>
> > The bottom line is, CO2 is a non-poisonous, life-sustaining gas.
> Tell that to the Apollo 13 astronauts.
> What biology course did YOU take? I got two A's in biology.
> I saw NOWHERE that humans breathe CO2.
> Get a clue: even chemical engineering and chemistry departments
> teach us that ANY chemical is toxic enough in high enough doses:
> even O2 for humans and CO2 for deciduous trees.
> > > Global warming theory is being used for a political agenda
> <more me-me-me anti-environmental lunacy from a pro-capitalist extremist
> caring only about their freedom to consume and pollute the world
> leaving nothing else for everybody else
> snipped>
> How about the freedom to live in a world with a few trees left,
> some clean air and water, some privacy free of overpopulation,
> and where the quality of life is better than death?