Huge study about safety can be misinterpreted by SUV drivers

  • Thread starter Dianelos Georgoudis
  • Start date
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On Thu, 04 Dec 03 10:20:24 GMT, [email protected] (Lloyd Parker)

>In article <[email protected]>,
> Bill Funk <[email protected]> wrote:
>>On Wed, 03 Dec 03 10:54:53 GMT, [email protected] (Lloyd Parker)
>>>In article <[email protected]>,
>>> Bill Funk <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>On Tue, 02 Dec 03 15:37:02 GMT, [email protected] (Lloyd Parker)
>>>>>In article <Us5zb.282500$275.1000782@attbi_s53>,
>>>>> [email protected] (Brent P) wrote:
>>>>>>In article <[email protected]>, Lloyd Parker wrote:
>>>>>>> Yeah, it'd be terrible if everybody were covered and we spent less on
>>>>>>> care, as Europe, Canada, and Japan do, wouldn't it? Terrible for
>>>>>>> companies, drug companies, HMOs, etc, that is.
>>>>>>How would we spend "less on health care" ? Instead of paying for health
>>>>>>insurance we would pay *AT LEAST* that much in additional taxes.
>>>>>Why is it, then, that every western European nation, plus Canada and

>>>>>spend less per capita on health care than the US yet still cover

>>>>Lloyd, you might want to do a Google search on the keywords:
>>>>canadian health care problems
>>>>This would let you see reality instead of the utopia your liberal
>>>>friends promise.
>>>Oh great, he wants me to absorb his right-wing propaganda.
>>>Try this:


>>Consumer Reports???
>>You've GOT to be kidding.

>Why is it all the right-wing Taliban here would believe anything an HMO or
>drug company tells them but reject the main voice for the consumer?

Lloyd, you must be on drugs. The illegal kind.
CR is "the main voice for the consumer"??
Where did you get that from??
No wonder you're the laughing stock you are.
Anytime you want to step out of that ivory tower you live in and join
the real world, you're welcome. Be prepared for a shock, though.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 15:28:36 -0500, Mike Romain <[email protected]>

>Please stop abusing groups with your cross posts.

Please learn how to use your newsreader, and just ignore posts you
don't want to read.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 12:55:00 -0500, Dan Gates
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Let me just add:
> Can US
>Infant mortality/ 1,000
>live births 5 7
>Prob. of dying/1,000
>Age 5, Males 6 8
>Age 5, Females 5 8
>Age 15-59, Males 104 148
>Age 15-59, Females 59 85

Point out, while you're at it, that these figures say absolutely
nothing about health care, one way or another.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"

Lloyd Parker wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>, Steve <[email protected]> wrote:

> >Since suppressing religion is right up your alley, you ought to be
> >loving the idea.
> >

> But there are no tax benefits to "civil unions", no inheritance benefits, no
> insurance benefits, etc.

Everybody all together now: "aaaawww!."

Bill Putney
(to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
address with "x")

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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Lloyd Parker wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>, Steve <[email protected]> wrote:

> >Since suppressing religion is right up your alley, you ought to be
> >loving the idea.
> >

> But there are no tax benefits to "civil unions", no inheritance benefits, no
> insurance benefits, etc.

Everybody all together now: "aaaawww!"

Bill Putney
(to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
address with "x")

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 14:36:41 -0500, Mike Romain <[email protected]>

>Please stop abuisng groups with your cross posts.

Please stop abuisng (sic) groups with your cross posts.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 14:38:47 -0500, Mike Romain <[email protected]>

>Please stop abusing groups with your cross posts.

Thank you for crossposting your spelling correction.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"

Lloyd Parker wrote:

> In article <[email protected]>,
> Bill Putney <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Lloyd Parker wrote:
> >> It's called living in a society. Society has the right to compel you to

> pay
> >> taxes, and it's the height of idiocy to call it stealing or theft...

> >
> >You're thinking of a pure democracy without any Consitutional
> >protections, wherein if 50.0000000001% of the people vote to confiscate
> >your property, then it's legal for them to do so. Society, under a
> >constituional republic, can only tax to the degree that their
> >constitution allows them to.

> OK, show me anywhere the US constitution caps taxes.
> I'm waiting....

Who said anything about capping taxes - how about the purposes to which they're
put - but you knew that.

Bill Putney
(to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my address with

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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Lloyd Parker wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Bill Funk <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Seperate bathrooms.

> Which laws mandate that?

I suppose you've heard about your buddies trying to get laws passed to
make it legal for consenting male adults to have sex in public

Bill Putney
(to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
address with "x")

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 15:16:24 -0500, FrankW <[email protected]> wrote:

>Please stop cross posting

Please stop cross posting.
And, if you MUST crosspost, trim it. There was no need for you to
quote any message at all to post your plea.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 14:37:57 -0600, Jeepers
<[email protected]> wrote:

>enough already

Why do you read these posts if you don't want to?

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"

Lloyd Parker wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Bill Putney <[email protected]> wrote:

> >> Sodomy laws. Liberals didn't pass them.

> >
> >To the same degree that that's true, nor did liberals pass pedophilia
> >laws.

> I see the Taliban is at it again, equating child rape with what 2 consenting
> adults do. What's next, integration was the same as genocide?

Just saying that liberals (ACLU, etc.) would not support anti-sodomy
laws but they would also not make it a top priority to pass
anti-pedophilia laws. The word "equate" does not apply here - look it
up in the dictionary. Both acts are morally repugnant, but not equal.
Integration is not repugnant. Genocide is. But, once again, you knew
all of that. I started to say you are just pretending to be stupid, but
that wouldn't be exactly accurate either.

Bill Putney
(to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
address with "x")

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 14:37:15 -0500, Mike Romain <[email protected]>

>Please stop abusing groups with your cross posts.

Please stop abusing groups with your cross posts.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 15:32:36 -0500, Mike Romain <[email protected]>

>You are wrong!
>Some newsgroups actually do have a charter and you cross posting bull
>**** on them is not accepted.
>ISP's these days do frown on usenet abuse, including supernews.
>Complaints can be sent to [email protected]

Be careful, Mike.
Your own crossposts, when including quotes that have nothing to do
with your message, are just as abusive.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"
On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Bill Putney wrote:

> Heard a story on the radio today about a gentleman in Germany who
> advertises for people to volunteer to be tied to a slab or bed or
> something and slowly cut to death with a knife and literally eaten piece
> by piece - apparently some sexual thrill involved. He has killed at
> least one volunteer that way and video taped it while the volunteer kept
> encouraging him to keep cuttin' and eatin'

You must not have been listening very closely, because what you *actually*
heard on the radio was this:

BERLIN, Germany (CNN) -- A German computer technician accused of killing,
dismembering and eating the flesh of a man who agreed to the deal over the
Internet has gone on trial for murder.

Armin Meiwes, whose trial started on Wednesday, is charged with murder as
no crime of cannibalism exists in Germany. The case is the first of its
kind in the country.

Dressed in a dark suit, Meiwes -- from Rotenburg-an-der-fuld, in central
Germany -- appeared relaxed as he sat next to his lawyer at the Kassel
state court.

Meiwes admitted to killing the victim and said there was "hundreds,
thousands" of people who wanted to eat humans or be eaten.

He cut off part of the victim's body before the pair ate it together.
Meiwes then cut up the victim, storing his body in a freezer and eating it
over the following months.

"With every piece of flesh I ate I remembered him," Meiwes told the judge.
"It was like taking communion."

The story was splashed all over the tabloids last year when it broke, and
the 42-year-old defendant has spoken to the press, reportedly saying

The defense is expected to argue that the victim, a 43-year-old computer
technician identified only as Bernd Juergen B., from Berlin, agreed to the
macabre event.

"He told me he had had the desire since he was a child to be slaughtered
and eaten," Meiwes said. "He was very intelligent and I didn't see any
sign that he was disturbed."

The defense is believed to be seeking a charge of killing on demand, which
carries a maximum five-year sentence if proven, rather than murder which
holds a possible life sentence.

Police tracked down and arrested the suspect in December last year after a
student in Austria alerted them to an advertisement Meiwes had allegedly
placed on the Internet seeking a man willing to be killed and eaten.

"The German public on the one hand is repulsed, but of course, on the
other is fascinated," said CNN's Berlin Bureau Chief Stephanie Halasz.

The alleged crime at the 18th century manor house happened in March 2001,
prosecutors say.

A verdict from the court, which is scheduled to hear 38 witnesses, is
expected in February.

On Thu, 04 Dec 03 10:25:54 GMT, [email protected] (Lloyd Parker)

>Canada's a democracy; if their health care system is so bad, why haven't the
>people gotten rid of it? England's is even more socialized, but even the
>conservative Thatcher realized it was so popular she didn't dare touch it.

It's a truth that one of democracy's worse points is that people, when
they discover that they can vote themselves something for 'free', will
do so.
It's human nature.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"
On Thu, 04 Dec 03 10:18:26 GMT, [email protected] (Lloyd Parker)

>>Consumer Reports have no more credibility than you do Lloyd, which is 0.

>"The cowardly one" just continues to show how stupid he is.

That's showin' him, Lloyd.
You're really boosting CR's gravitas there.

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"

Lloyd Parker wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> Bill Putney <[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Lloyd Parker wrote:
> >>
> >> In article <[email protected]>,
> >> Bill Putney <[email protected]> wrote:
> >> ...The gross malpractice that
> >> >we witnessed on children in Canada due to its metered out healthcare was
> >> >atrocious. The U.S. was the mecca of successful treatment.
> >>
> >> If you're rich.

> >
> >Uh - excuse me, but my daughter's medical bills in one year were more
> >than I gross in ten years. You still skirted the issue, which was that
> >Canada's healthcare system sucks.

> You've still provided no objective source for that, whereas I have.

You made a statement, I proved it wrong. Still skirting (no pun

> Canada's a democracy; if their health care system is so bad, why haven't the
> people gotten rid of it? England's is even more socialized, but even the
> conservative Thatcher realized it was so popular she didn't dare touch it.

Not sure what your point is, but, whatever.

Bill Putney
(to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
address with "x")

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
On Thu, 04 Dec 03 10:21:16 GMT, [email protected] (Lloyd Parker)

>In article <[email protected]>,
> Bill Funk <[email protected]> wrote:
>>On Wed, 03 Dec 03 10:53:28 GMT, [email protected] (Lloyd Parker)
>>>>Explain then Lloyd why bus loads of Canadians with life threating health
>>>>problems are forced to come to the USA for treatment at their own expense.
>>>>Sure they can get free care in Canada, IF they can wait 6 months to a year
>>>>for treatment.
>>>Like asking why people travel to Mexico for Christmas trees. It simply does
>>>not happen.
>>>Read, for example,

>>Um, Lloyd...
>>Remember how you complain when we quote conservative sources?

>Because CR is a consumer advocate group. Not liberal or conservative. Now I
>know to you Taliban anybody to the left of Atilla the Hun is a liberal if not
>a socialist, but the rest of us aren't stupid like that.

I see.
Because CR is a "consumer advocate group", that means they are somehow
above having any sort of agenda.
Thanks for explaining that to me.
Um, how does Nader fit in there?

Bill Funk
replace "g" with "a"