Steve wrote:
> Daniel J. Stern wrote:
>> On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Jenn Wasdyke wrote:
>>>> So your perception of Canadian healthcare is based on the experience
>>>> of a
>>>> friend of yours who was warned off the system by some unknown other
>>>> individuals.
>>>> Mine is based on getting very suddenly struck down with a large and
>>>> lodged
>>>> kidney stone at 4 in the morning while in Toronto. Extremely
>>>> painful, but
>>>> not life threatening. I was diagnosed, treated, operated upon and
>>>> prescribed suitable meds in a fast, efficient, capable, thorough
>>>> manner.
>>> As opposed to the American health care system where kidney stone
>>> patients are tossed out on the street and beaten before being put out of
>>> their misery...
>> Try getting a lodged kidney stone in America without medical coverage or
>> lots of money, then get back to us.
>> DS
> Dan, living in America without medical coverage is stupid. I don't have
> any patience for people who are deliberately stupid, nor do I want to
> subsidize them. Decent health care is affordable here, so let's stick to
> comparing someone in the US who HAS coverage (not lots of money) to
> someone in Canada. At least you get to PICK your coverage and your
> doctor here.
Um, I get to pick my doctor here, well, my wife did (in fact, my doctor
is a very attractive woman!). I pick which hospital I go to (I pick the
closest, normally because it is only three blocks away). I consult my
doctor as to which specialist I should see if I need it, and she sets it up.
Where do you get the idea that we get shoved where the "government"
wants us to go?
In small communities, there may be only one choice, but that is because
there is not enough sickness to go around |>) or because doctors don't
want to live in small communities!
Speak not of what you do not know!