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New Member
Hi everybody, I'm Neil from Doncaster South Yorkshire. Drive a 1990 Land Rover 90 which ive fitted a 200tdi from a disco into it, lifted it 2" and just bought some rock sliders for a bargain £40 which im fitting tomorow :D

In the process of setting up a business, Country Vehicle Services. Mainly dealing in Land Rover parts and also venturing into farm machinery sales and repair, so if theres any parts you need for your Landy i may have what youre after!:p

Cheers, Neil.
mmm, ta Buster!!!

Got most o ther apples picked and another gallon o scrumpy brewin away noo, got anuvva pick ter do tomorrah (only down side is i int gorra mangle so gorra shred the apples in a kitchen blender but works OK) but seems ter be pressin OK!

How's all up norf...hope yer recoverin from yer hols OK, how is it ter be back at the shop n back in the routine?

Am becomin decidedly ****ed off at being employed n reckon the time might be nigh ter start up a gardenn business or summat, just aboot had enuff o linin someone elses pockets - not sure the credit crunch is the time ter do it tho. Mowed next doors garden terday in payment fer the apples so it's all paying off!

Oh and welcome Neil!!!:D:D
mmm, ta Buster!!!

Got most o ther apples picked and another gallon o scrumpy brewin away noo, got anuvva pick ter do tomorrah (only down side is i int gorra mangle so gorra shred the apples in a kitchen blender but works OK) but seems ter be pressin OK!

How's all up norf...hope yer recoverin from yer hols OK, how is it ter be back at the shop n back in the routine?

Am becomin decidedly ****ed off at being employed n reckon the time might be nigh ter start up a gardenn business or summat, just aboot had enuff o linin someone elses pockets - not sure the credit crunch is the time ter do it tho. Mowed next doors garden terday in payment fer the apples so it's all paying off!

Oh and welcome Neil!!!:D:D
Yer welcome;) :D Ain't ye got any 'sales rooms' down there Oddie? If ye have, get yersel' in them. Ye might find yerself an auld single tub washin' machine with a mangle on it if ye're lucky;) :D
All's well up this end thanks;) Ah'm just waitin' tae catch up on the jet lag... usually it's the other way round innit?!:p

Ah suppose it's maybe a good thing (in a way) bein' employed.. got a steady wage etc, but bein' self employed is a lot of work and if ye're talkin' of gardenin' then it'll be pretty seasonal. Ah suppose ye'll have tae get Mrs Oddie oot tae work in the winter:p ;) :D