Wow, well that was a drive ill never forget! 170+ miles, 4.5h, over an hour looking for non-existent LPG stations what royally ****** me off

Never driven a car of this age or without PAS, so it was an experience - 30mins in on the motorway I was enjoying it, but then hitting smaller country roads in the dark the fun quickly went - I'm in two minds if it's suitable for my upcoming 1k miles drive London > Poland. Few issues I noticed so will love some feedback...
- 5th gear makes a loud whining noise, worse when you accelerate. Compared to 5th, 4th gear sounds like a happy humming engine. 3rd was also making a similar noise but appear to be ok towards the end of the trip
- Indicators - no idea why, but as I was about to leave they would only flash once and NOT repeat. I had to manually turn them on and off slowly - do so quickly did not work. About 15mins into the drive they were fine.
- Cruising speed on the motorway was 65-70 mph, what I'm guessing is about right. But when you hit a slight hill you could tell in 5th gear the car struggled. I'm guessing expected, at times I found 4th more comfortable at around 55mph.
- Petrol Fuel gauge not working, frustrating but I believe poss an easy fix
- Breaks are heavy, but I would guess to be expected and can be improved.
- Lights seem to be too low \ dim, not much of the road is lit up. I had to put on full beams(?) (switch to lower left of the steering wheel) to see anything on unlit country roads, even with oncoming traffic.
Shattered after the drive, but what I should have expected, I guess. Little undecided what to do, I think I have a little first-time nerves, lack of experience and some attention to the car needed to make it more "comfortable" to drive.
There is a 4x4 specialist "Challenger 4x4 Ltd" close to where I am right now in Farnham, I'm tempted to get them to give it a once-over and add PAS.
Whatever happens I need to be in Poland Monday coming with a car, if I give up with the Landy I know it will find a good home - but I kinda like it

and know once in Poland it will be ideal to get us to our cottage and be the off road run around we need