Gearbox Oil done as posted a few weeks ago in the WDYDTYRRT.. thread
Millers ATF Dex III only the best eh!!
The stuff that came out!
Tits brown not black when smeared!
The Fill and drain plugs are shown here.
The fill procedure is relatively straight foward.
1 Alan key any 8mm for the Filler and a 5mm for the Drain IIRC, memory is vague.
2 Crack them both loose!
3 Drain the evel crap out, taking note of how much comes out, and the colour!
4 Drop the pan removing the 8mm bolts around the pan, be sure to pre soak them as they have a habit of snapping off in the gearbox which ain't good.
5 Lower the pan and inspect the internals, at the bottom of the pan is a magnet, be sure it is not covered in large chunks! A load of "fur" isn't too good either, but it is inevitable as the gearbox wears.
This is what your Kit will look like!
6 Clean both mating surfaces with a very fine emery cloth.
7 refit I like to add some silicone paste to the mating area on the sump to prevent the gasket shifting when manoeuvring the sump into position
8 Refit the bolts and brackets, making to to position them in the correct places.
9 Torque evenly to 10nm or if like me "good enough"
11 The cold fill is around 2.5 litres, i used a big syringe!
12 Start the engine, and with your foot firmly on the brake, cycle the gearbox from P-1 stopping for 3-5 seconds in each!
13 While the engine is running climb back underneath and start filling, you should get altogether 4 to 4.5 litres in including the initial fill.
14 Repeat step 12 and recheck the level.
15 there should be a stream of fluid coming out the filler hole!
16 Button it back up and you're done..
Easy eh!!