Before you use effort, use your meter to make sure that, when the IGN is ON, you have 12 volts or more (full battery voltage) at the + connector of the coil.
Do nothing more till this is done. If there wasn't, but after five minutes you sort out why there wasn't, and there is now, the engine should have sparks again.
But proceed thus ....
Switch on, and make sure coil + is live to 12 volts / battery volts.
Disconnect the coil to distributor wire to leave the coil - terminal empty.
Take out the high tension king lead from the top of the coil.
Now you need two bits of INSULATED wire .... ordinary car lights wire will be fine, say a couple of feet (609.6 mm) long, and strip a little off each end so there's a wee bare bit at each end of each wire.
Now take the end of one wire and poke the end into the top of the coil (this is why you take out the king lead first ...) so it will make contact when you poke it into the top of the COIL. Jam it in somehow. Screwed up paper will do fine.
Take the other end of that wire and lay it on the head somewhere, so the end is near metal, but not quite touching. A quarter inch / 6mm gap will be fine.
Here's the good bit. Hold the ends of the other wire in your hands, and poke one end firmly onto the bare metal somewhere that will be earthed. Hold it there firmly. You will not get a shock. Now, take the other end and dab it on the empty coil - terminal where the wire to the distributor goes.
Every time you dab that wire OFF the coil, a bloody big noisy blue spark should appear on the end of the wire coming out of the top of the coil going to the head.
If you cannot make sparks doing this, a stuffed coil is probable, which is rare but it happens.
It's good fun making 20,000 volt sparks.