Help! Locked out!

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i was going to suggest, if you could get the bonnet open by taking the cable and cutting it or pulling it, then disconnect and reconnect the battery it usually unlocks cars for a short time then re locks it!!

but youve gone and broke a window so its of no consequence. it might be worth you testing the theory tho for future reference!!!

I'd be asking the dealer how to get the under tray off. I can't believe you take it off from inside the engine bay. A jack and some axle stands should have got a technician/mechanic access to the starter motor.
either way it should/could have been easier and the dealer should know a method for this as its got to be more common than just one person in the 6bn people in the world!!!
1st of all - TELL the dealership that THEY are paying for the window. there was a fault on the car when you bought it and when you telephoned them to arrange assistance they told you to smash the window. they will argue so make sure you stick to your guns on it. if they still refuse to pay for the glass then tell them you wish to return the car and have a FULL refund. this should only be used as a last resort but it ALWAYS works;)

most dealerships wont tell somebody over the fone how to open a car, however they know how to power a car up when its locked and if you ask to speak to a technician or workshop manager they will usually help you as much as they can. VERY surprised they didnt send somebody from LRA straight out to you tho, theres somebody on call 24/7 for exactly this type of reason.

on the plus side for you tho, this could turn into a rather large customer complaint, and sales managers dont like customer complaints going to high up the chain of command so 'usually' offer some kind of freebie to keep you happy;);)