I have attached photos of a relay I have located behind my instrument cluster. I suspect it is the source of an annoying intermittent clicking noise I've been getting for quite some time now. In addition the pins and base of the relay are showing signs of corrosion.
The photos were sourced from ebay but the relay is identical to the one removed from my defender. Any ideas which circuit this creature is part of?
Defender 110
300tdi ROW Spec.
I have attached photos of a relay I have located behind my instrument cluster. I suspect it is the source of an annoying intermittent clicking noise I've been getting for quite some time now. In addition the pins and base of the relay are showing signs of corrosion.
The photos were sourced from ebay but the relay is identical to the one removed from my defender. Any ideas which circuit this creature is part of?
Defender 110
300tdi ROW Spec.