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New Member
Hi Folks

Recently bought a defender 110. She is my first landrover after years of wondering would it be worth it. 2 springer spaniels later and the answer was yes and now i have one fianlly. Love the old gal she got loads of character and cant seem to leave her alone. Up the local moors(Falla) with her all the time the now its about the only offroading i have around here but its a good start to get used to a 20 year old vehicle. The dogs love her too. Thought id say hello.



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hey up chap

glad to see you made it..the landrover bug :cool: ive been a bit busy lately on the estate and stuff ,im doing the paint and mod jobs to my old girl now should take me about 2 weeks and then im going for a little laneing for a few days if you fancy it:D shes caked in mud just now lol ill have to wash her ready for sanding and primeing up hopefully get that done this week. anyways chap hopefully see you about sometime.

easy as it goes

:D Cheers folks

Good to see the landyzone is a freindly place.
Gona take my time to prepare the landy for offroading.
Nothing to major and i intend on joining a local club for guidnece, trips and advice from seasoned offroaders.Have even been getting a wave or two on my travels from fellow owners which is nice.

Yo Mystic hows ya doing m8. Be nice to see the old gal finished. Depends when your going on your wee trip man id be up for it but odviously cant be weekdays the now. Im gona be getting my offroad tryes next few weeks was given a contact number by a guy that collected the slabs fi my garden in a HUGE range rover, was lovely looking thing deffiantly capable offroad thats for sure and a nice chap to boot.

Thanks again for the hello's folks ;)

Welcome Boner.

110 looks good & straight. Just a thing...........I'd check the date stamp on those tyres, they just look a bit old t'me. Driving a twenny year old Landy is one thing, but you dun't want t'be doing it on twenny year old tyres!