Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

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Scratchy Dom

Below is the menu that will be available on completion of the run.

Could everyone that is on the above list PM me by next friday or you might have to take your chances with what food is left.

I thankyou.

that one
Ok peeps, here's a few more details for the trip and a few pointers for you to consider:


Please ensure that you have adequate food/drink supplies for the duration of the day, we will stop for lunch at some point but unlikely to be in an area where we can congregate en masse as we need to maintain a delay between each group throughout the day so as to not become a nuisance to others.


Please ensure that you are fuelled up in readiness for the trip - the route is extremely rural and there are no petrol stations between the start/finish points.
This is also worth bearing in mind with regards to toilet facilities along the route, bring your own toilet roll and we'll find you a tall hedge! :D

Water crossings:

There are water crossings on the trip and these should be suitsable for all vehicles provided drivers are aware that the more technically complex vehicles should have their air suspension set at maximum height.
There should be no need for snorkles and in the event of heavy persistent rain prior to the trip with dangerously high river levels we will divert around the crossing.


We have planned wet and dry routes in order to protect a couple of the more delicate lanes from being damaged in the event of wet weather, we have also planned alternative routes based on whether vehicles are overheight with roof racks/tents and if their paintwork is deemed as 'shiny' :rolleyes:
Individual group leaders will exercise their discretion as to which tracks are used on the day and their decision is final, remember that they will have driven the route many times and will know the lie of the land far better than you think you do.


We need to know who drives what and exactly what they mind doing....some of you may not want too many scratches, some of you may not want too extreme - yes there is one OPTIONAL section that will have your arse snapping at the seat which is not recommended for shiny paint or for ideally longer than 90" wheelbase.
Please advise us if you are on road tyres, are winch equipped, have a CB fitted, etc.
Any requirement to be in your own friendly cliques for the day is i'm afraid not an option as we have to put comparable vehicles in each group to make it work, with respect it'll also be a nice way to get some of you to mix a little and form new friendships....

Ability of driver:

Anybody who is new to this or is unsure about the capabilities of either themselves or their vehicle MUST let us know beforehand so we can make allowances for this.
There is no shame in admitting that you are a little green around the edges or unsure, we are all in this together and will help each other where necessary, there is no place for inexperienced bravado which could lead to an accident or worse still injuring other participants of the trip.

Arrival time:

The start point will be PMd to you one week before the trip and we would like all of you to be at the start point no later than 0900 to allow us to get the groups going smartly - we will have a lot of ground to cover in the day and the trip will take between six and eight hours dependant on breakdowns/how long you choose to spend for lunch.

Travel from Beasties field:

Those of you staying at the field please be aware that you will have at least a 70 minute drive to the start point which is at the other side of the county, this will need to be factored in to decide what time you should leave in the morning.
An alternative meeting point along the route will be arranged for anyone who is delayed by a breakdown or oversleeps, if you can't make that then I'm sorry, you've missed out.

West Bay:

Anyone who hasn't yet PMd Series71 their food requirements at the end of the day please hurry up and sort it ASAP - we need to advise the kiosk at West Bay so they can order in their stocks accordingly.
Please also make a mental note of what you have ordered.

We look forward to hearing back from you via PM soon, please send food orders to Series71, any other details/queries to me - it's less than three weeks away, it's been a bit of a military operation that's been six months in the making but all the planning and effort will ensure that it's going to be a safe, fun and memorable day for you all.

Thankyou for your continued support!


Rob and the team :)