Great Dorset Chippie Run Part Deux

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James, i'm really weepy . Can I not just think about hugs instead of issues ? :)

A couple of weeks ago I was walking home feeling really flat and grumpy after a crap day when a woman I barely know came up to me with tear stained eyes and asked if she could have a hug......I have absolutely no idea why but I gave her a hug anyway.

After a moment she pulled away, gave me a little smile, said thank you and walked off.

I admit I felt slightly confused and a little concerned for her but a few minutes later as I got home I realised I felt much better......nothing descernable but just generally. :)

Shame I found an electric bill and council tax demand on my mat but nothings perfect :rolleyes:

Hugs ROCK!
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Ok peeps, it's maybe time to clarify a few things about the trip…:rolleyes:

The date of the trip will be 27th October 2012, this is now set in stone and will not be altered.

Those who were present on the first chip run might remember that I said if I was ever persuaded to do a second chip run it would be done for charity, that somebody should benefit from the hard work we all put in as a team in planning a trip. ;)

This has been discussed at length on the recent group leader recces and we agreed that we will run this trip in aid of charity and that chosen charity is:

Make-A-Wish Foundation UK.

For any of you that don't know, Make-A-Wish Foundation UK is a charity with a single purpose - they grant magical wishes to children (aged 3-17) fighting life-threatening conditions.
They believe very little can be more important or deserving than giving a seriously ill child the chance to have their wish come true.
This year 1,400 children will ask to have their special wish granted and Make-A-Wish wants to grant every single one.
To be able to do this they need to raise at least £6.8 million.
If you want to know more check out their website at:

As a team, we respectfully request that a charitable donation of £25 per vehicle (irrespective of number of people in the vehicle) be made.
This is to be paid before the trip and only when we have received this donation will the start location and time be forwarded to you.
And donations apply to group leaders as much as to the other peeps on the trip, so we're not having a free trip at your expense.

If you (still) want to come along and help a fantastic cause at the same time here is something for you to think about;

We want to raise as much money as possible for Make-A-Wish Foundation, so what other things can we do to increase the funds?

How about organising corporate sponsorship to be placed on your vehicle for the day?
Or if you have a spare seat or two why not auction them?
So if people without Land Rovers would like to see how we enjoy our countryside responsibly we could give them the opportunity.
Maybe even David Phillips would like to come along and see it for himself? :rolleyes::D

All payments will be made via a JustGiving page and we will let you know when the page is set up and ready for action. We decided this is the easiest option as the money goes straight to the charity, we do not have to collect and forward it to them and they can reclaim gift aid on the donations (this gives the charity an extra 25%).

The route is being planned so it is suitable for a standard unmodified vehicle with hopefully nothing included on the trip that an unmodified vehicle is incapable of achieving with a reasonably competent driver.
We are planning both wet and dry routes to prevent damage to the more delicate byways and UCRs.
There is a risk of a few superficial scratches to your paintwork (these are byways and UCRs after all) but we will do our best to clear any branches etc that could damage your vehicle prior to the trip.

We want to reiterate that we are working hard to put on a first class day out in the Dorset countryside and are working hard to ensure that it is safe and will present no risk to your person or property - unless you do something bloody stupid. :rolleyes:
On the day your group leader’s word is final and you will be expected to follow their instructions, this is important to ensure there are no mishaps to spoil the day, we will try to make sure that each group has at least one winch/recovery equipped vehicle.
Everyone on the trip must realise we will accept no liability for damage or injury to your property or person, we may ask you to sign a disclaimer before starting the trip on the day.

Some of you have asked if there are any good places to camp or stay, this is solely down to yourselves – after all we aren't travel agents :p and our efforts are centred on the day only and the chips at the end of it.

I know Mud4it is familiar with camping in the area, so perhaps he could post a link to the site he uses? It is possible the location he uses may take caravans as well.
For those of you who like to pre-plan months in advance the start point will be approx 20 minutes from Poole and the finish point will be West Bay, near Bridport.

We are confident that Chip Run Part Deux will blow the original chip run into the weeds (weather permitting).
It is also a fantastic opportunity to promote our hobby which we are all passionate about in an extremely positive light to those who ridicule and vilify us and what we do.

As a group we practice the three R’s which stand for: RESPONSIBLE - RURAL - RECREATION.

We are not cowboys, we do not go off-piste, we do not set out at the start of a day to destroy the countryside, we set out to enjoy the countryside.
This trip will be professional and no aspect of the trip will be left exposed so its integrity can be damaged by those who seek to have us banned.

This trip and its success hinges on your support, please join us in making it a success.:)

Many Thanks

3 pages of total ****
thanks boomer i for one am looking forward to this run well put together
Whilst Im all for donatin to charity, could it be possible that peeps can donate through choice like 110woman explained £25 is alot of money to some peeps, members wantin to go on the trip may have to save quite alot due to the distance (they maybe comin from afar) fuel costs are high at the moment and peeps may drop out due to the extra expense. Peeps that are travellin from afar, may also have campin fees, and if its a family weekend for them they may need to feed 3 kids for the weekend too... you add fuel costs, food for a family of 5, plus campin fees it can get quite expensive.

Maybe a donation tin at the end..... im sure peeps would feel more like donatin after a weekend of great company and fun lanin, plus experiencin the lovely scenery, they may just think ah yeah here's a tenner... a tenner is better than a member droppin out, yu will still raise a decent amount for charity that way.... family of 5, kids have eaten sweets, chocolate all day so wont want chips, put the chippie money in the pot instead.... that kinda thing.. a bit less formal. :)

Just my opinion. :D
unless I find work before then I cant afford the 25 quid.....might not be able to afford the fuel or to tax the landy either :(
Just a thought
How about people that put there names down have until end of september to make the payment
I have no probs with charitys (well maybe not all of them) but i do see 110s point, most of us on here (boys and there toys) are happy to spend lots of money on accessories and not bat an eye doing it
But others who join in on all the fun and banter on here cant afford it, and thats why maybe giving people a little more time to find the money wouldnt be a bad thing, considering some of them do bring something on the day (cake)

Shoot me down if you like, i can take it
£25 - not a lot. particularly if yu like the odd puff or snifter.

start saving - no compromise, otherwise it gets horrendously messy and impossible to organise.

plus wot about those that pay the £25 and someone else pays a fiver :eek:.

Personally Boomer and the others are doing a brill job under a huge amount of pressure. It takes a collosal amount of work to organise something like this. collecting funds as well is not on.
£25 - not a lot. particularly if yu like the odd puff or snifter.

start saving - no compromise, otherwise it gets horrendously messy and impossible to organise.

plus wot about those that pay the £25 and someone else pays a fiver :eek:.

Personally Boomer and the others are doing a brill job under a huge amount of pressure. It takes a collosal amount of work to organise something like this. collecting funds as well is not on.

Im not questioning what Boomer and the team have done and agree they have done a brill job and hats off to them for taking the time out to orginise this at there own expence
And im not saying anyone pays less than the £25, just saying a little more time to pay would help some people.
If someone puts there name down and has payed the money before the trip, where's the harm
I'm probably going to have to drop out I'm afraid. :( I fully support the idea of the charity but with diesel there, back and the day itself and somewhere to stay the friday and sat night because of the distance to be travelled I just cant afford an extra £25 on top. For some of us its actually a reasonable amount of money, thats school dinner money for my kids for less than three days. :eek: So I'm sorry I cant make it but I do support your efforts .

BB if you were here youd get a hug and a quick peck for that.:)
Actually trying to be all bloody dignified here but actually i'm ****sed off :mad:

I'm ****ed off that last week my 9 year old was one of ten kids out of his whole year,who didn't get to go on an outward bounds three day "curriculum enhancement opportunity " because I couldnt afford it. I was offered the opportunity to apply to the Bilton Poor Charity for his fees though.:(

I'm ****ed off because to some of you £25 is a fancy bit of metal to put on your landy to make it go faster, muddier, look better.

I'm ****ed off that £25was the cost of the oil I had to buy on friday and it means in effect I worked today for nothing :mad:

I'm ****ed off at just barely managing some months and praying that the beast will limp along.:mad:

But mainly I'm ****ed off that some of you don't realise that some of us live like this and bandy the figure of £25around like its pocket change. :mad:

Thankyou 110woman for still supporting this trip in principle despite your financial issues that you've explained. :)
I sympathise and fully understand your situation and when this was initially discussed with the core group we understood right from the beginning that the charitable aspect of the trip would prove to be a contentious issue.

When you take into account the amount of time between now and the actual trip it amounts to £1.00/week to budget for.

The £25 is per vehicle, you could perhaps 'think outside the box' a little and load up the many seats of your Td5 110 CSW with friends and split the costs? ;)

I'm sure baking all those cakes and putting them in cake boxes for everyone on the Salisbury Plain trip must have cost you a similar amount to do?
So instead of baking cake, how about making a wish come true?

I want to reiterate that I'm not having a go at you, I do understand and I respect that everyones situation is different. :)

charity while been a good thing is most usually used as a conscience pacifier ,be a shame if you didnt go mrs 110

very sweet but ,does it answer the real issues or satisfying a conscience

yes ,why dont we all play games ,if it costs then fair enough ,why the emotional charity stuff

no not dense ,things cost as you know ,why extra cost to appease others consicences

very laudable ,but you know what i mean ,unless good causes are going to be auctioned on merit of givers kudos or merit

Fair enough James, I can see you're attempting to make a point here - so would you care to expand on your thoughts, I can't be the only one that's read your posts and wondered just what you are getting at?

why am i poor cos i do stuff for people and not for profit ,think about issues

I know that feeling all too well, just the planning of this trip will cost some of us quite a lot of money and time so why shouldn't a charity benefit from our efforts?
It was requested by some that a second Chip Run was long overdue, this trip isn't for our benefit as leaders, - we are not doing the trip for financial gain unlike some companies that charge a damn sight more for a well planned and legal to drive days guided laneing! :scratching_chin:

I heard a rumour you were selling cakes.....what was it....£5-6?

Put me down for a Lemon Drizzle

Answers the very real issue that I have no cake :(

I've gotta buy it somewhere.......why not Dorset?

people give to charity for lots of reasons.....good and maybe not so good. I wouldn't judge another person based on my reasons.

I have no idea why or how much 110w gives to charity and it's non of my business......or yours.

There is no charity involved in me buying cake......I do it fairly regularly.......sometimes I chose to buy a fair trade one but mostly I'm happy to buy cake that I KNOW I really like

And Blue Beasty has hit the financing the donation issue right on the head ;)
Im not questioning what Boomer and the team have done and agree they have done a brill job and hats off to them for taking the time out to orginise this at there own expence
And im not saying anyone pays less than the £25, just saying a little more time to pay would help some people.
If someone puts there name down and has payed the money before the trip, where's the harm

am i being obtuse here? i cant see a "pay by" date, except "before the run", surely £25 by the end of October cant be an issue?
Whilst Im all for donatin to charity, could it be possible that peeps can donate through choice like 110woman explained £25 is alot of money to some peeps, members wantin to go on the trip may have to save quite alot due to the distance (they maybe comin from afar) fuel costs are high at the moment and peeps may drop out due to the extra expense. Peeps that are travellin from afar, may also have campin fees, and if its a family weekend for them they may need to feed 3 kids for the weekend too... you add fuel costs, food for a family of 5, plus campin fees it can get quite expensive.

Maybe a donation tin at the end..... im sure peeps would feel more like donatin after a weekend of great company and fun lanin, plus experiencin the lovely scenery, they may just think ah yeah here's a tenner... a tenner is better than a member droppin out, yu will still raise a decent amount for charity that way.... family of 5, kids have eaten sweets, chocolate all day so wont want chips, put the chippie money in the pot instead.... that kinda thing.. a bit less formal. :)

Just my opinion. :D

£12.50/head for you and Pikey ;):p:D

Fair enough points though Mintz, we all have our personal opinions/financial situations which dictate what we do in life, even finding enough money to run a Micra can be a struggle :rolleyes::p:D

On a personal note despite working 70/80 hr weeks and not being made of money (go figure :rolleyes:) I'm still managing to find the time and funds to make this trip happen. :)
Boomer as you are well aware if the cost of the donation were the only financial outlay then absolutely, £1 a week to budget not an issue. For me it's likely to be two tanks of fuel min due to the distance and two nights b&b as i'm not camping as a lone female the week before november.
Certain things you take into account and plan accordingly and start saving for, additional expenses then push that planning out the window and make it unfeasable.
I also fundamentally have a problem with the term respectfully request a donation and if you dont you can't go. Not entirely sure that fits definition of donate to my understanding.
I am happy to donate to most charities but what I can afford not what you think I ought to be able to afford.

As for me baking, what I chose to spend my money and time on and why, is exactly that ,my choice, you don't get to decide your choice has more value than mine.

You get to make the conditions as part of your position as leader, I abide by that but it doesnt necessarily make it fair or right in principle and I'm entitled to feel dissapointed .
am i being obtuse here? i cant see a "pay by" date, except "before the run", surely £25 by the end of October cant be an issue?

No your not being obtuse
I think the worry may be that there are probably a limited number of spaces and the people that pay first get to go and the people that cant afford to pay straight away loose out
No your not being obtuse
I think the worry may be that there are probably a limited number of spaces and the people that pay first get to go and the people that cant afford to pay straight away loose out

I've kept an ordered list on my laptop with names of those who wanted to come along, those peeps will have first refusal :)
I know of several peeps that would like to go, but dont have a vehicle/live too far away.

Defennder Davie was interested in coming, but wasnt driving down from Scottishland, possibly even Buster....

maybe a "places available for sharing fuel" thread could be started - or similar?

as for 110W - I am sure yu neednt be "camping as a lone female" :eek: :).