BB if you were here youd get a hug and a quick peck for that.

Actually trying to be all bloody dignified here but actually i'm ****sed off
I'm ****ed off that last week my 9 year old was one of ten kids out of his whole year,who didn't get to go on an outward bounds three day "curriculum enhancement opportunity " because I couldnt afford it. I was offered the opportunity to apply to the Bilton Poor Charity for his fees though.
I'm ****ed off because to some of you £25 is a fancy bit of metal to put on your landy to make it go faster, muddier, look better.
I'm ****ed off that £25was the cost of the oil I had to buy on friday and it means in effect I worked today for nothing
I'm ****ed off at just barely managing some months and praying that the beast will limp along.
But mainly I'm ****ed off that some of you don't realise that some of us live like this and bandy the figure of £25around like its pocket change.