Getting Gwen the Mini to Run.

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I am beginning to wonder if someone fitted an electric anti-theft device, like I did, which shorted ignition to earth until a microswitch was switched.
Have you tried earthing the coil direct to the batt or the engine or an earthing point?
I know we talked about whether it earthed via the body of the coil or through the earth connection on the cap end.

Personally I'd go back to the old dizzy simply to put power through it, get someone to crank the engine and look at the points to see when you get a spark there. (Hoping I am remembering correctly and it IS a points dizzy.) Not connecting it to anything else apart from the LT part of the coil.
So checking you get +ve 12 volts at the + ve connector to the coil, and that comes out the other connector, i.e. the - ve which goes to the dizzy.
If so, then check you have got +at the dizzy, i.e. that the connecting wire is not bust. If this is so then you should get (tiny) sparks at the points each time the points open, which you can test by opening them with a screwdriver.
Then check that the coil still has resistance within the range across the central big connector and whatever it uses for negative. If this is OK, then you can measure the resistance of the king lead to see if that is intact as well.
If so, connect the king lead to the coil and flick the points as you were doing, to open them and close them, while holding the king lead connector, dizzy end, near to an earth point on the engine. If this give you a fat spark at the end of the king lead then, so far-so good. If not it may mean that the coil is fubar.

Being optimistic, if you get a spark, then you need to check the rotor arm is OK. and the connections to it. Connect the king lead to the dizzy cap and check continuity again between the terminal inside the cap and the king lead.
So pop the rotor arm and cap on, connect any spark plug lead (having checked it for resistance/continuity) to a point on the cap and hold the other end close to an engine earth point, and spin the engine with ignition on. You should get a spark each time the rotor gets into position next to its terminal in the cap. If not, the spring in the cap under the king lead could be too weak, (I have had this happen) or there may be a crack in the rotor arm's brass strip, which you can check by measuring it for continuity from the contact point where the king lead's connector touches it, to the end of the brass rotor where the spark jump's the gap from. This crack can be invisible. Again I've had this. And it may not be obvious until the rotor arm is supposed to be doing its job. :(

Being "positive" if this all works as it should you can then go back to playing with timing.
Don't forget that once the engine is running (vacuum disconnected) the timing will be much more advanced than the static. And even more with the vacuum connected.

Just realised I haven't mentioned setting the gap at the points. This can be a real barsteward, and for me is the main advantage of having electronic ignition. Even with a dwell meter you have to tweak the gap by just a tiny amount and of course everything, like the spring on the points, is fighting against you. But a thou on the points is a degree on the timing, so it needs to be as right as you can get it. BUT, you can set it off the car, either with feeler gauges, it is SO much easier to do this with the dizzy mounted in a vice, AND you can check the dwell angle by using a meter or a bulb and measuring, through marks made on the rim of the dizzy body and a protractor, or some maths using pi. This way is surprisingly accurate but you won't read about it in books and stuff!

But if the gap isn't right doing all the rest is a bit "pointless".
Best of luck mate!
Sadly, the previous dizzy was also of the "non-point" variety so reverting back to it (where we started from with it not running/firing) will probably not help at this point. :(
I do appreciate all of the advice & guidance being showered upon me, and when the weather improves (may not be any time soon) I shall continue in my attempts to get her running. I will call the provider of the new dizzy tomorrow because their web-help is not helping. Maybe I can get some sense out of them.
Strangely they have a "No Spark" section but it all relates to their solid-state contact point replacement systems and not what I have. But it may contain some clues. :)
Hello sports fans. :D
I just spoke with the Dizzy provider to say that I was concerned about:
a) The complete lack of any documentation on connectivity between the unit and the coil etc. You just get the dizzy in a box.
b) Can reverse polarity wiring blow the unit up? - answer yes! (Well, see a) above mate! :( Where is the warning/guidance?

But, we also discussed that given the binary nature of (its broken/not broken) then the usual way to get them dialled in is to roughly set them to TDC #1 cylinder, it should run (albeit poorly) then time it properly with a strobe. He confirmed that THERE IS NO STATIC TIMING OPTION.
So, don't laugh, I just span it over and muffled bangs were heard (so the unit isn't broken :) ) but it started to teem with rain so that's it for now. :(
Does it feel like progress? ......... Sort-of. :)
Hello sports fans. :D
I just spoke with the Dizzy provider to say that I was concerned about:
a) The complete lack of any documentation on connectivity between the unit and the coil etc. You just get the dizzy in a box.
b) Can reverse polarity wiring blow the unit up? - answer yes! (Well, see a) above mate! :( Where is the warning/guidance?

But, we also discussed that given the binary nature of (its broken/not broken) then the usual way to get them dialled in is to roughly set them to TDC #1 cylinder, it should run (albeit poorly) then time it properly with a strobe. He confirmed that THERE IS NO STATIC TIMING OPTION.
So, don't laugh, I just span it over and muffled bangs were heard (so the unit isn't broken :) ) but it started to teem with rain so that's it for now. :(
Does it feel like progress? ......... Sort-of. :)
Glad to hear about your muffled bangs! As you say progress of a sort.
So did you think about reversing the polarity? Weird that one!
Anyway, better coms would certainly help. And hopefully are.

Have you rebuilt that carb yet? You can do that in the warm and dry! ;):)
Glad to hear about your muffled bangs! As you say progress of a sort.
So did you think about reversing the polarity? Weird that one!
Anyway, better coms would certainly help. And hopefully are.

Have you rebuilt that carb yet? You can do that in the warm and dry! ;):)
No, not touched the carb yet.
I had no way of knowing if the polarity of this electronic dizzy was definitely the same as its predecessor, so the fact that I was seeing no spark made me wonder how it SHOULD be wired up. I had seen warnings that reversing the polarity could/would destroy the electronic unit. So before I did anything I wanted to understand the pin-out of the connector on this new dizzy. It was either same/standard as last one or different. On balance I assumed it would just be a plug in replacement and the same as the old one, and luckily I was right. :)
I wont say it.

Well ok I will. In this case fag paper and points rule :D.

But at least you now know what/how you have to deal with it.

I would agree that an old school "points" solution would be easier to set up.
So, it almost works but I have no real idea which way to turn it CCW or CW. Ha! Ha! This dizzy has the cap screwed in place (not clips) so you have no real clue where the rotor is pointing WRT to the #1 post. To get to see the rotor position you have to pull the dizzy to access the screws (dumb design or what)? :( So I think small increments in a direction until something good/bad happens/changes is my only way forwards. :)
I would agree that an old school "points" solution would be easier to set up.
So, it almost works but I have no real idea which way to turn it CCW or CW. Ha! Ha! This dizzy has the cap screwed in place (not clips) so you have no real clue where the rotor is pointing WRT to the #1 post. To get to see the rotor position you have to pull the dizzy to access the screws (dumb design or what)? :( So I think small increments in a direction until something good/bad happens/changes is my only way forwards. :)

You need and external means of identifying when the rotor gets to a lead contact, as well as a means of telling when the 'points' are triggered ...
you have no real clue where the rotor is pointing WRT to the #1 post. To get to see the rotor position you have to pull the dizzy to access the screws (dumb design or what)? :(

That sounds stupid to me. Got pics?

So, it almost works but I have no real idea which way to turn it CCW or CW.

The rotor arm turns CCW, advance is CW, retard CCW, but of course you need to get it running first to use the strobe to do the fine tuning, catch 22.

Shirely there is some mark or position on the "module" in the dizzy that says "firing point" as a base set point so you know which lead on the cap it points to?

Sadly, the previous dizzy was also of the "non-point" variety so reverting back to it (where we started from with it not running/firing) will probably not help at this point. :(
I do appreciate all of the advice & guidance being showered upon me, and when the weather improves (may not be any time soon) I shall continue in my attempts to get her running. I will call the provider of the new dizzy tomorrow because their web-help is not helping. Maybe I can get some sense out of them.
Strangely they have a "No Spark" section but it all relates to their solid-state contact point replacement systems and not what I have. But it may contain some clues. :)

Yes I understand that, But @DanClarke says he has to remove the whole dizzy to get the cap off:vb-confused2:

I/we don't know exactly what he has, so I have to take his word.

Yes it is held on by 2 little screws (see picture) but you cannot access the screws while the dizzy is in situ because cleverly one is under the bulk of the cap and you cannot see it and you cannot poke a screwdriver through the grill because its all angled slots that mask one another and is masked from attack by the solenoid on top of the starter so you still cannot get at the screw.
Really clever bit of engineering isn't it. :D
That's exactly the advice I got from @Stanleysteamer, but sadly that refers to the replacement of standard points by their electronic ignition module in a normal dizzy and doesn't apply to this one. :(
EDIT: But I don't really see what the difference would be so I will give it a try, worst case.... I blow something up. ;)
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That coil wiring needs sorting. do you know why you have 2 on the negative side (i assume).

Got to love tape :oops:

I guess taking the grill off would help.

That coil wiring needs sorting. do you know why you have 2 on the negative side (i assume).

Got to love tape :oops:

I guess taking the grill off would help.

I tried to take the grille off but they have managed to do the SS screws up so tight and then rounded out the heads. :(
The other wire (with tape) on the -Ve side is (I think) a pick-up for the rev counter. I can take it off and If I get it started and there is no longer a rev counter I have my proof. :)
I tried to take the grille off but they have managed to do the SS screws up so tight and then rounded out the heads. :(
The other wire (with tape) on the -Ve side is (I think) a pick-up for the rev counter. I can take it off and If I get it started and there is no longer a rev counter I have my proof. :)

Drill the screws out and start again with that off ...