Great night last night, 5 lanes one way, two of them in both directions, three fords, one only six inches deep, lol, Terling @2' and Badow at 10". Thanks for your company guys.
For anyone doing Terling beware of the step at the village end of the ford thats the north side of the ford, it gives a nasty thump, my discos hazzard lights came on for a few min's and could not turn them off....
Thanks for the coffee Geoff,
I've now got grinding rear pads, just ordered from the local factors, will pick up later, hopefully will get them done today or it will have to be tomorrow need the Disco for sunday's TRYO. Knew they where near but with the amount of miles we get with them and off roading try to push my luck, lol.
Nick you got to get a CB, trying to work two radios at the same time is a pain, lol, then the phone ringing.....arhhhhh

, you miss out on so much of the chat.
Some pics but not many, ok we need to co-ordinate pics with action more, lol, and do More during the day.