Essex lanes

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Also I hope Essex gets the rain next week like Lichfield had this week. Aquaplaining along the A38 with a double decked trailer on the back of the lorry was not fun tonight!
Hi Geoff im still working on the torque wrench, its not his it the company he works for, and hes not giving me a straight answer on if i can borrow it. i dont wanna get him in trouble.

how does the damper look?

Thats pretty much the standard result from a cambelt failure.......guides and valves should be ok im my experience due to the valves being square to the pistons so the force is directed straight up the valve stem and onto the weaker bits......pushrods and on a 300tdi the rockers.

that will keep ya busy for a little while when you attacking it?

Mikey I will look into hiring a torque wrench, don't want to cause any hassle. Damper looks fine but until its on no telling.
what engine is it? 200/300? I think I have got a set of 300 pushrods here...

Alos what has caused it? Timing slipped? What are the brass followers like?

Cheers mate, appreciate that xx but I've ordered everything from rst and its gonna be £95 including delivery :)

As for the brass followers I ain't got a clue what they are! Today was the first time I've ever seen inside an engine (I took the rocker cover off all by myself)
And using my 99p tesco value telescopic magnet I was able to retrieve my broken pushrod...
Ugh tired, had to stop at South Mimms for coffee. Will be at the barn from around 9.30ish if anyone wants to come laugh at me trying to fix the 'fender with **** all sleep feel free.
I'll pop by in the afternoon as ill be passing, but can't stay long, got to go see guy about a cambelt change.

I've got a couple of batteries to drop off as well.

One is a good one for 666george I am collecting from Jon, but 2 are for your scrap pile.

I'll also bring that alloy wheel I said you can have for scrap.

Not much to say thanks for the loan of the trailer but ill sort a box of cider out for you.

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Ok mate no worries, yes bring batteries and wheel. All greatly recieved! :D

On another note I can't remember which oil it is in need for the axle (it's been a while) and any suggestions where I can get some on a Saturday?
Chris, the trailer is in my workshop with a scrapper on it (still yet to remove the ECU) was going to do it Thursday but ran out of time helping Mr Stirrup. Unfortunately i dont have a tow car to return it today, but if i can get Dean finished early enough Monday to get me to the scrappy, ill get him to return it?

Also Brian, Dean and I have clubbed together to buy you a set of new recovery straps, as youres are fraying somewhat. Of course as i ordered them, theyre Orange :)
Yer spoke to Dean this morning and he told me. Hoping to insure the 'Fender and keep the Disco insured for a week then I can drive it my mates garage to get it mot'd in the week.

Yer have been meaning to change the straps, bit past their best
what engine is it? 200/300? I think I have got a set of 300 pushrods here...

Alos what has caused it? Timing slipped? What are the brass followers like?

Hi ya :) you still got those push rods :) (please say yes lol) I just drove all the way to graytech to pick up my bits and they close at 12.30 on Saturday and mansfields close at 12 - on a Saturday wtf!

I see ya going laning tomorrow, well my house is at the end of one of the lanes near Braintree - so if you could put the rods in ya car could possibly meet ya somewhere.

I will pm you my number :) Guy