Never said anything wrong with being prepared ( where have I heard that motto before), the OP asked for essential kit, and I think the ability to know where the feck you are comes under essential more often than everything else. to me it's up there with filling the tank with fuel, taking something eat, how basic do we need to be?
mind you, judging by some of the people I've seen about we need to be that basic.
so here goes ( and please feel free to add or correct this list) in no particular order here is the laning essentials list:-
legal vehicle
driving liscence and insurance
full tank of fuel
food and drinks
maps, compass and maybe a gps
shovel - ideally bull nosed
tow rope
shackles to fit above
hi lift
waffle boards
some kind of winch - manual or electric or hydraulic
assorted strops and shackles to suit
working cb radio ( not like mine then

saw of some kind
basic tools
partridge in a pear tree
and it goes without saying ( i think) that a basic knowledge of all of these items uses and limitations would be helpful.
and yes I do lane on my own cos I'm a miserable git.
and as for laning in the lakes, I wasn't joking I think I'll be going up there some time next year, sounds fun.