Hi All - Have I found the first self fixing Freelander?? :crazy:
2000 miles ago I did the blank the EGR with a bean tin disc mod and cleaned the EGR valve.
Have now bought the proper EGR bypass kit and fitted it today.
When I dismantled the EGR I found the TD4 seems to have not liked the bean tin blanking mod and has perforated the centre of the plate to let the exhaust gas thro' again
How did the exhaust gas manage to get past the bean tin, it was a steel one? :doh:
If anyone else has done this mod check the quality of the bean tin you used as the engine seems to have found a way around this mod

TD John
2000 miles ago I did the blank the EGR with a bean tin disc mod and cleaned the EGR valve.
Have now bought the proper EGR bypass kit and fitted it today.
When I dismantled the EGR I found the TD4 seems to have not liked the bean tin blanking mod and has perforated the centre of the plate to let the exhaust gas thro' again
How did the exhaust gas manage to get past the bean tin, it was a steel one? :doh:
If anyone else has done this mod check the quality of the bean tin you used as the engine seems to have found a way around this mod
TD John