East Sussex - Had anyone been laning there?

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Well-Known Member
Request from the GLASS rep for East Sussex

For those of you that might not be aware, East Sussex County Council are undertaking some surveys on Rights of Ways to understand the long term need for them (their words not mine). The survey can be found on their ‘consultation hub’ at www.eastsussex.gov.uk/haveyoursay. If you have used any rights of way in East Sussex could you please complete a survey? Unfortunately the survey is only open until 20th February 2015 (my fault as have had serious problems with internet access for the past few months).

If you do complete a survey can you let me know so that I have some idea of numbers for when the results come out? And pass this on to anyone else you think has used the Rights of way in East Sussex.


East Sussex Rep, GLASS
Hi, I've given my 2 penneth worth to the survey. I know it's and emotive subject but have tried to remain objective...."I enjoy walking on R.O.W and driving my land rover in a considerate and responsible manner, where the law allows. I do not appreciate being confronted with narrow, heavy gauge, expensive gates designed to be just too narrow to allow a standard sized 4x4 to pass. For the small mileage of byways open to all traffic, I feel that money spent on these measures should be spent improving pedestrian only paths, e.g. on styles and standpipes for drinking water perhaps."
Hi, I've given my 2 penneth worth to the survey. I know it's and emotive subject but have tried to remain objective...."I enjoy walking on R.O.W and driving my land rover in a considerate and responsible manner, where the law allows. I do not appreciate being confronted with narrow, heavy gauge, expensive gates designed to be just too narrow to allow a standard sized 4x4 to pass. For the small mileage of byways open to all traffic, I feel that money spent on these measures should be spent improving pedestrian only paths, e.g. on styles and standpipes for drinking water perhaps."

Pull the fooker out the ground. Yu have a right to create an easement if a road is illegally blocked.
I've recently taken a drive along a couple of local green lanes that have been closed for the winter for "resurfacing". They now have a lovely smooth gravel surface for the entire length. I passed a parked car, pulled over to allow 2 oncoming cars to pass by. I wonder how long before we have traffic calming measures on greenlanes. I don't understand the logic of turning underused byways into normal roads given the supposed lack of money the councils have and all the problems you get on a normal road!