borrowed an ecu off a mate while setting mine up..need to give it back..but..
have re proged ecu with my height settings (mucho different) and lost the bit of paper with oe numbers on.dooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so please..please..someone got their settings so can reprog ecu to standard..
(he selling ecu,so dont matter if settings dont match cars height sensors exactly,as new owner of ecu wil have to play around with rsw software to get it right anyway,but as is will ram car up +2 incheswhich would be bad!!,so w.h.y. will do)
ie access 44
motorway 55
standard 66
high 77..
dont need each wheel, just one bfor each height.. tnx
have re proged ecu with my height settings (mucho different) and lost the bit of paper with oe numbers on.dooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so please..please..someone got their settings so can reprog ecu to standard..
(he selling ecu,so dont matter if settings dont match cars height sensors exactly,as new owner of ecu wil have to play around with rsw software to get it right anyway,but as is will ram car up +2 incheswhich would be bad!!,so w.h.y. will do)
ie access 44
motorway 55
standard 66
high 77..
dont need each wheel, just one bfor each height.. tnx