SLS nightmare! Please help

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New Member
I really don’t want to convert to springs… but before I’m forced too please help me diagnose my SLS nightmare!

I broke a ride height sensor and after replacing both sides with the battery disconnected, the old girl was sitting slightly higher on the left side.

So I purchased a Nanocom to adjust the height…
Now all the air has dropped out of the bags and no matter how I recalibrate the suspension, as soon as I unplug the Nanocom after successfully storing the height settings and waiting the obligatory 60 seconds, it reverts back to 000 and drops immediately.

I’ve replaced 2x ride height sensors with genuine land river ones
Both electrical connections to the RHS’s
Changed the SLABS ecu for another one
No faults looked on Nanocom for SLS,BCU or td5 engine.
SLS light is on the dash and now bongs at me repeatedly when I start it up

I’ve tried the recalibration process around 100 times in the utility menu and the setting menu, but no matter what I try I can’t get it to stay at the correct ride height!
The calibration in the setting menu always inflates the left side but has an error of unable to reach the target heights.

… and time is ticking away before I’m forced to revert to springs, which I’m not keen on but I need the truck back on the road!

Please help! You’re my only hope!!


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