Poor soccer mom couldn't find a parking space. Too bad she didn't drive
off a pier. That certainly would have increased the "safety" for the
rest of us that don't drive the cartoony unsafe behemoths with goofy
cornea searing lighting, view obstructing height, slow as molasses
cornering, deadly high bumpers, a tailgating magnet, an inability to
yield in traffic, no 'crush' zones, a sociopathic need to drive 80 mph
in snow/rain, broken turn signals, a left lane blocking fetish, gluttony
for fossil fuel, supporter of al Queda and a terminal asshole for a
Did I miss anything?
Driver Of SUV Backs Over Sunbather In Volusia
A 53-year-old woman was crushed Wednesday when the driver of a sport
utility vehicle backed over her as she slept on a beach chair at a
Volusia County, Fla., beach, according to Local 6 News.
Sunbather Run Over By SUV
Lifeguards said Gelenda Willits was run over and then pinned under the
vehicle for more than 20 minutes on a portion of Ormond Beach, near the
Granada ramp.
"I heard a thump and heard a woman scream," Jerri Decosta said. "When I
looked over, I saw the back of the car jump in the air and come back
down and I heard the woman scream.
Police said the driver of the vehicle was apparently looking for a
parking spot when she ran over the woman. The bottom of the SUV came to
rest on her torso, Local 6 News reporter Tarik Minor reported.
Lifeguards and passerby used their hands to dig the woman from under the
"We shoveled by hand to pull the sand out from underneath her and then
moved her out a little bit," witness Bob Decosta said.
Beach patrol spokesman Kevin Sweat said the soft sand may have saved the
woman's life because it allowed the chair to give a little under the
5,000-pound vehicle.
Willits was removed from under the vehicle and transported to Halifax
Medical Center. She is in serious condition, Local 6 News reported.
The name of the driver has not been released.
Local 6 News reported that the woman driving the SUV will be charged.
In February, a 27-year-old French woman was killed and her sister badly
injured when they were run over by a police vehicle looking for a mugger
on Miami's South Beach.
The officer will not be charged, but the family of Stephanie Tunc has
sued the city for negligence.
Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.
Copyright 2003 by Local6.com. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
"Cosmic upheaval is not so moving as a little child pondering the death
of a sparrow in the corner of a barn." -Anouk Aimee, French Actor
"Death is better, a milder fate than tyranny", Aeschylus (525BC-456BC),
"I wear no Burka." - Mother Nature
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