Took a quick whizz up the road last night, no MOT or tax but got insurance of course to see if the abs light went out, it did

and that the auto box worked, it did

and listen for any death noises, there were non

Off to the MOT at 10am , took the long way, about 20miles, and everything seems fine

. Booted it to get the redex through where I could and arrived at the MOT station, turned her off and wondered in. Guy took the key and drove her on to the ramp while I sat in the viewing area nervously

He walked past me after about 20mins and I asked how it was going?
He said, so far, advisery on the rear indicators, not orange enough and a fail because the abs light is on

I politely pointed out that it goes out at above 5mph but he said it's still a fail because it was presented to him with the light on

Then I remembered that I had turned the engine off which means it resets so need to get to 5mph again and it will stay off. Luckily the handbook was inside so I found the relevant page and showed him, he then took it up the road and the light went out so he was happy

12months MOT

! and he must have forgotten about the indicator bulbs as there are no advisories.
Driving back, I played with the cruise control and that works great too
Everything works!!

Not 100% sure about the Aircon though at this point, seemed colder than ambient but I feel it should be better, overall , I'm chuffed
Duchess lives again!