Discovery II Nanocom Errors

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Hi guys. Roy here, from the Highlands of Malaysia. Would like some advice before I purchase some of the parts. I plugged in my Nanocom and got a couple of errors. Here I'm attaching them.

1. Rear Right Outlet Valve Open Circuit. 03-06
WhatsApp Image 2017-09-30 at 8.39.11 AM.jpeg

2. Lower Accelerometer Signal Not Changing. 01-03
WhatsApp Image 2017-09-30 at 8.39.11 AM(1).jpeg

3. Lambda Sensor Upstream. P0134
WhatsApp Image 2017-09-30 at 8.39.11 AM(2).jpeg

Some say the outlet valve is related to the shuttle valve, some say wheel bearing, etc. Can someone confirm?

What about the rest of the errors? Do I need to get a new accelerometer and lambda sensor.
Hi, the codes are from 3 different systems but i presume you know as you scanned them
1. the OV is part of the ABS modulator but it has nothing to do with the SVS, usually it's a wiring issue but if the OV solenoid is really fubar you'll have to replace the modulator... if you have RAVE i'll tell you how to measure
2. ACE related, also usually wiring or contact issue in the plug, is the ACE amber warnig on all the time?
3. I'd replace the lambda sensor first
Hi, the codes are from 3 different systems but i presume you know as you scanned them
1. the OV is part of the ABS modulator but it has nothing to do with the SVS, usually it's a wiring issue but if the OV solenoid is really fubar you'll have to replace the modulator... if you have RAVE i'll tell you how to measure
2. ACE related, also usually wiring or contact issue in the plug, is the ACE amber warnig on all the time?
3. I'd replace the lambda sensor first

No Sir, i dont have RAVE. How do i get it?
Where is the Ov solenoid located? If its a wiring issue, do i check the wiring at the wheels?

The 3 amigos can go off it it feels like it after some driving, then switching the key off & turning it on again. Often, after many tries.

No, the Ace amber or red light has never stayed on. In the time i've owned the car, it only came on once, the day i drove really fast for over an hour, taking sharp & tight corners at high speeds al the way for that whole hour. I live in Cameron Highlands, which is corners all the way.
The light went off after the car cooled off & never came on again.

Okay, will get the lambda sensor changed.
I see that the Rave manual has many subs, like engine, gearbox etc. Is there any links where i can get them in a full, organized format? Most links i got from other forums leads to Database errors. I'm wondering if its due to my country's internet access restrictions.
I just told you that the OV is within the ABS modulator, download RAVE : (large file) then when you installed it and you can access the Electrical library - Connector views see C0501(modulator), unplug it and measure resistance across pin 10 modulator side and ground then pin 7 to ground and compare... if they are the same it's a wiring issue between the SLABS ECU and modulator if pin 10 is open circuit or greater resistance you need another modulator
Okay, got the Rave up & running.
So, i have to unplug the connector. Then measure pin 10 & 7.
One electrode into pin 10.. the other ground... Then one electrode to pin 7.. the other ground.

I am to measure the pins on the abs modulator or at the connector?
Just double checking as i dont know what you exactly mean by "modulator side".
thank you. just measured. the readings are off.
so i need a new modulator.

while i fix the new modulator, do i also hack the thing by connecting one wire to ground and another to the green/yellow?
as the hack fix on youtube?
That's not good cos both are outlet valves and should be the same even though 7 Ohms is not open circuit.. i'll check the diagram again to make sure i didnt mix up things and i'll come back to confirm
after some further reading on forums..
I gather that the rear right outlet valve is pin 10..
and rear left outlet valve is pin 7..
so i'm guessing ive to compare the resistance on these two. sierrafery.. could you confirm?
if my rear right outlet valve (pin 10), is indeed open circuit, it is due to the abs modulator or the slabs ecu?

is there a section in RAVE where it lists which pin is for what? like 10 is RROV.. 7 is RLOV... etc..
I made the mistake first time as i mixed the ECU plug's pins with the modulator's pins, now i'm sure pin 10 on the modulator is RROV and pin 5 is RLOV so compare these... that mod from lrclubvi is for the SVS it has nothing to do with the outlet valves, if pin 5 and 10 have the same resistance you'll have to make continuity test from C0501(loom side) to C0506 between pins 10 - 10 and 5 - 7 or simpler compare resistance at C0506 between 10 and 7 on the loom

the pin disposals for the ECU are shown in the workshop manual - brakes description but for the modulator you have to corroborate with the diagram
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