Nuvver update ..............
Whoever was working on the Discovery has now peed me right off

Absolute no nothing total moron bodge artist
So basically his inept idiocy cost me a few extra hours yesterday and has meant that although I have done that Driveshaft Seal I will likely have to do that job again next weekend ..............
If I didn't need my lift this week, and also likely need to use the Discovery, as I don't have another "Workshop Overalls" DD then I would have left that side in bits whilst awaiting a good used Half Shaft ...........
So I've done the job, also decided to change the Brakes too, back of Disc was scored (see later on) ...............
First off I stripped off the whole Brakes and Hub / Bearing assy in order to draw the CV Joint and Half Shaft assy out ....
It was at this point that I noticed the Hub Bearing assembly had been changed recently and also the CV Boot hmmmmmmm ok that's no bad thing

After cleaning it up, I pop out the Seal, and fit a well greased new one ....
Now is where it got me totally confused and so I had to go Googling pictures to confirm my suspicion ....
You see that round ring near the CV Boot, it is designed to flick water, mud and other excrementopoop out of the way so it doesn't damage the Seal, but there it was loose and sliding up and down on the machined surface of the Shaft ?????????????????????
My confusion arises because I have never worked this far in on the Disco 2 / Range Rover P38 design of Axle before
So is the Seal designed to run on the machined surface of the shaft ? (No) After much googling I come up with the definitive answers to this and the questions below
Is the crud flipper on the wrong way around ? (No)
Is the crud flipper designed to be a tight press fit on that machined Shaft surface, and not like a sossidge up an alleyway ? (
So, this disc thingy, if I refit it as is it will move around and screw up the Seal, also because it has a "loose fit gap" that I can see daylight through, (around 5 thou " all round it), between it and the Shaft Oil will leak out through said gap , so here's wot I tried which may at least stop it peeing oil out for a week .............. I carefully put a ring of Silicon Sealant around the surgically cleaned surface on the shaft at CV boot end, then put Loctite "Stud and Bearing Fit" gloooo" around the rest of the machined surface and inside the muck thrower Discamabob thingy, and slid it down onto the shaft surface, wiped off the excess Silicon and Loctite each end and then left it well alone vertically in the Vice for a couple of hours
It appears to be set tight, so I've refitted it, but it is really too far out by about 3 - 5 mm, so don't know if there's enough tolerance where the Seal lip runs, also don't know if it will come loose again etc etc so I found and ordered a good used Half-shaft last evening. Hopefully I might get it this month (that's another story) !!
If it's not leaking by next weekend I will leave whilst I do the other jobs, or until it does, whichever occurs first
I don't hold out much hope for it
Here it is all back together ....
All new Bolts

At least I'm now getting a dab hand at stripping these down and I know all the Bolts will come out with no hassle when I gotta do it again
Now, why did this hack me off, well simple ....................
Firstly it had been driven a while with the Wheel bearing so bad that the back face of the Disc had been rubbing on the Caliper Carrier,and the CV Boot was torn, that makes the Driver an ass hat

Hence I changed the front Brakes, also although not dangerous, I have ordered a new Caliper Carrier
Second, the numpty "mechanic" who fitted the new Bearing must have bashed that ring off to do the CV Boot instead of just removing the CV from the Shaft, which is how y'all supposed to do the job DOH
But anyways, OK so surely he must have known it would leak Oil as it was now so bloody loose on the Shaft ......................
Nah, probably not
Anyways, I'll get the CV Boot on the right side done today.
So I'll tell y'all what it is here, whenever I buy a new to me Car, I always find a bunch of jobs to do to get it up to my (high) standards, nor, (a lot of times), am I happy with the way it has been "worked" on, especially as this one was obviously repaired by our local Knob Jockey Mechanic, and I think I know which one as this one is so bad
However all that said, this will be a real nice workhorse example of a D2 once I've finished fettling it back to it's former glory and the best bit is, unlike a Mercedes the parts are nice and cheap and plenty available good used stuff too