but the glovebox light you fitted works alone ? if not double check fuse F33 and if it's 100% good check if there is voltage on it
Hi, sorry for the delay.... been laid up for a while with some covid issues !!!
Anyway here goes.... D2 td5 auto 2003, started having issues with the alarm going off at random times, 3 in the morning etc ****ing the neighbours right off, then it stated randomly locking me out, inputting the EKA code gained me entry/starting no probs until the next episode. Having come across various issues from others regarding the BCU causing problems and having a chat with Paul at D2 parts decided to replace the BCU, living in France Paul duly sent one over, having a Nanocom (inherited with the car) I went ahead and changed the BCU.....following the instuctions that came with the BCU, EKA code was set and programmed the keys and proceeded to start. Started up first time, M and S lights on the dash were on....went for a spin something didn't seem right .....clagged the nano back up found that the gearbox was set to Manual, managed to reset to auto, M and S lights were gone, went for a drive all seemed ok, both fobs worked remotely, locked /unlocked okay, ignition no issues.
Then, I noticed the first time when the light was fading (evening) that there were no back lighting on the dash or Heater controls and the clock back-light doesn't dim when the main light switch is put to dipped. Thinking there could be an issue with the lighting stalk unit I replaced with a known working one to no avail,..... then got locked out, used EKA code to gain access, both fobs stopped working. All headlights, stop lights work I just have to have a small battery operated LED torch tactically positioned at night to see what speed I'm doing !!
So for the past couple of weeks I have been using the key manually to lock/unlock the car with no issues with driving at all.
To your question, Fuse 33, there's 12 v to it and the fuse is good, the glove box light still doesn't work even with the headlights on.
I'm not offay with the nanocom and a bit iffy with what could go sideways with changing settings while using it.
my regards
Russ T.