Current best place to buy parts??

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Actually it almost is. There are various organisations (CAS, Trading Standards, Local MPs etc) looking in to the extra costs that retail companies and then courier companies charge for sending stuff up here. A lot of people are just completely ignorant about Scottish geography, for example, some companies think Inverness is an island, and that Aberdeen is in the Highlands.

If it were a legal requirement to charge the same for everyone, then, the van couriers i reguarly use who charge by the mile would be in breech of the law...

I shop around but usually end up using LR Direct. They are only about 5 miles away so it's handy to collect from them and they are usually cheapest with a good range of options. Their website is a pain though as you can only search from part numbers.

Yeah, is a tad annoying, although, for the Series i always work from the parts book, it just means you sometimes miss out on things like complete bearing kits, if you don't know the part number, and just buy all the bits separately.
If it were a legal requirement to charge the same for everyone, then, the van couriers i reguarly use who charge by the mile would be in breech of the law...

Ah sorry, perhaps I mislead you. What I meant was it is likely to become 'law' that couriers need to charge a more fair price when it comes to Scottish addresses. It would be similar to your regular courier who charges per mile to charge 6 times more per mile once he crosses the border or goes north of Glasgow.