Seeing the injection pump is new I would like to think it's not diesel.
Thanks for tip with regards to the crankshaft seal.
What did you use to pull off the crankshaft belt pulley?
As above, that red box kit thing.
The box has pins for the timing also, but I wouldn't try using the crank nut to press in the seal with the flywheel pin in place, as I reckon even with it in gear etc you would get some rotation on the flywheel and the little spring loaded pin would get damaged.
Id probably time it up using the pins (remember the crank goes round twice for each rotation of the injection pump) and then take out the flywheel pin whilst you're taking off the sprocket / seal etc.
Remember you can't just spin it over happily unless you take the rocker assembly off. Which is easy enough but just another thing, and you probably don't need to, so long as you're not getting any real engine rotation.
When you are good to put the belt back on, put the pin back in at that point to make sure it's spot on again, rather than having it in the whole time.
The only other bits you need (again, my experience is from the 300) is a low torque torque wrench (one of those needle things) and some way of locking the engine when you do the crank nut back up at the end. It does need to be crazy tight otherwise they loosen off and the chatter stuffs the woodruff key (etc).
You can get locking things for about £60 that wedge against the chassis rails. Or find someone local who will lend you one.
Or think "it'll be fine" and not do it up tight enough because it's near impossible to do without the locking tool.
Mark the job with tipex etc when you're doing it up as you (or at least I) always loose track of what 90 degrees actually looks like when you're under a car (it could even be 180 - can't remember)