Yer may be able ter cancel yer insurance and get a near full refund if yer can find an alternative cheaper. Check the agreement and if so, keep looking for cheaper. Where does
@gstuart insure his? He's added lots of stuff.
@Hippo If only this was so easy...i was all afternoon on Mon.getting the £1448 policy after ridiculously high 2-3k quotes and now....
drum roll please..

BROKER... “ The price quoted through the comparison site was based on the vehicle having 2 seats”
ME.. No its based on 2 seats (as per log book and Vehicle reg look up) and the bench seat mod. as well as other listed modifications
BROKER... No the total seats are incorrect... you should have answered the vehicle has 5 seats and then selected the addition of the bench seat under modifications
ME... Seriously??? you’re suggesting i should have claimed the vehicle is a 5 seat vehicle despite the ‘look up’ defaulting to 2 seats and then add the bench? Apart from being completely untrue it would suggest a total of 8 seats!!
Broker... Well because the vehicle is specified as 2 seats it attracts a higher premium for the extra seats
Me.... Yes i’m well aware of that since i’ve just shelled out £1450 quid on the premium to include the extra seats
Broker...Yes but you haven’t included the extra seats
Me... I have the Policy document on screen now and it clearly shows 2 seat vehicle in 1st section and under modifications it shows “additional seats” in the can you claim the policy was generated without allowance for the additional seats?
Broker...Yes but it doesn’t specify how many seats for all we know it could be 1 extra seat
Me...By the very definition of a bench seat in a commercial is how you know its not gonna be 1 and besides you’ve just contradicted the fact stated earlier that no other seats were accounted for when generating the premium!! I’ve answered all the questions raised today honesty and as stated online in order for you to validate the insurance and you’ve no real grounds to invalidate it. Seems to me you’re just trying to extract more money from me unfairly and i’m not accepting it..i’m disputing it and will take it forward to the FCA and wish to lodge formal complaint with your superior...
Broker...I’ll take advice from the insurers underwriters to seek the validity of the policy and get the complaints department to to call you..
Me... I’m not waiting on a phone call i want something in writing to confirm i’m still covered pending enquiry/complaint
I’m still waiting for the email of documentation and still have a potentially invalid policy...
How on earth do these people get away with such tactics and holding me to ransom when all is declared????
@Stanleysteamer to add insult to injury i only ever have 4000 miles cover since i live above my business and don’t get many opportunities to have a run out