chris new in that blog..

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chris god

New Member
london south
hello i m chris , and sorry for my bad english but i m french.I just move in uk south of london with my car, a land rover discovery xs 300 tdi from 1998.
i bought my car almost 2 years ago near leeds back in france with it and now come in uk.I still need to fixed some bits and bobs..but i prefer usually to doing almost evrything by myself , and because i m new here , i m looking for some crapyard..if the word is correct... i mean where you can go and buy it for cheaps parts from some crash car..
So if any knows where i can find that ??
kind regard chris
bonjour bienvenu Chris

ton langue Anglai est tres bon monsiuer

mais je suis desole, ma lange Francais est tres mal

il ya beacoup de person dans landy zone t'aides vous avec ton problemme

au revoir
hi tks again i can see evryone as a good french base... so i will look on scrapyards on google but any advice for one??
Also i m planing to change all my springs and schocks and my land rover discovery 1 and i wanna do by my sely too but that is true we need to have the one from he back higher then the front, just in case i gonna put tools box or bags etc in the boots...:)
And paddock still the better place in uk for the parts??
hi i m chris french man..i m living near balham in london since fews month.So one more time i appologies for my english , i m sure i m gonna make many many mystake but i will try my best for you guys...
So i bought my land rover discovery 1 1997 kelly near leeds 1 year ago.
I change many thing already like all the breaks, timing belt , gasket,cv joint, tyres.
from paddock.. Front and rear Brake Caliper Camshaft Kit etc..
But since 3 weeks my steering sarting to be more soft . i try to explain my self.If i turn to right it s fine but if i turn to the left , i must to turn more and more my steering. let s say to the right i turn just a quarter my steering and is fine but the the left i must turn now half way, my feeling is like i m loosing my direction.So one friend from norway came and check the car with me , so he tell me to change the Heavy Duty Steering Rods.So i change juste the first one.And the probleme was still there.So we decide to tighten a bit the screw on the top of the steering box.But the probleme was still there.the seering was more tighte but i have the same problem and if you driving and the turn the steering is not coming back to normal.
So i bring my little disco in local garage.And the fella say to me i must change the Steering Shaft.So i order from paddock change that part but still same thing.
So i m a bit confuse and lost now.I don t know where to look and i don t know anyone here yet to help me with that.
Any advice from you guys??
kind regard chris