For all of those of you who couldn't make it to the field for the party you missed out on a cracking time.
Sat night was brill weather, stonkingly huge fire, lots and lots of alcohol, stew- which was outstanding btw BB and loads of cake..... oh and just a tincy bit of mud
but most importantly of all some fantastically brill, funny and lovely chaps and chapesses.
Would like to send a massive

to the hard core 5 who lasted the course and joined me around the fire drinking and smoking and chatting and laughing until 4am this morning - absolutely cracking night and superb company - Fanny , Clarky, Big Si and Bobdog.
and would also like to know the make of the camping chair that at one point had three of us all sitting in it at once
Just the most best-ist-ed party :clap2: