I tell you what, if LR have crumple zones in Defenders they must be bloody extreme. The actual design of them prevents it collapsing as that's why they are so safe.
I've seen one sustain a head-on from a lorry (collision speed about 60 to 80 mph) and both occupants were completely intact, walking away from it and the chassis was repairable (although the French insurers wouldn't cough up, stingy fckers). The lorry was caved in and the dopey Portugese driver was ok in that too.
I don't know of a single legal case where a DIY build of a chassis has resulted in manslaughter or lawfare from a RTA. Even aftermarket Bullbars haven't seen legal minefields erupt either.
In fact insurers wouldn't have a clue what a LR chassis was from a DIY built one so the whole fear-mongering and demagoguery really isn't helping this Scottish wizard.
Not far from where I live a builder lost his wife in a car accident so he filled the vehicle he drove with concrete inside the doors etc. The car ran like a bus and guzzled fuel but he didn't care, he was safe and that's what matters. Some doofus idiot crashed into it when he'd parked to do some shopping. The doofus lost his car through the write off, our builder guy just had to cough up for some spray paint. Go figure.
Now if he put spikes and Mad Max flame-throwers on there might be more flak but hey ho.
Andra, do your engineering thing man, full speed ahead and damn the nay-sayers.