Having fitted a Hawk remote CDL kit to my 1985 90 I expected it to behave like CDL on other cars e.g. if one uses the correct key to unlock the door it overrides the CDL. Well it does on MrsC's Panda.
As the locks in lift up handle doors and I believe the later push button types are vulnerable to picking I thought this might be a weak point. However when the CDL is activated and the doors locked with the remote, they cannot be opened from the outside with the key
If I lock the doors from inside with the CDL fob the inner door handle won't open them! A mate who is 'handy' with locks happened to pop by.....and he couldn't open the doors locked with CDL

I think this is quite a boon as it will make it more of a hassle for a naughty person to try and break in.
I didn't do the Safari door because I don't often use it, couldn't be bothered with all the extra wiring and lock modifications and it's handy in case the battery in the 90 or the fob dies or something goes wrong as I can get in with a key.
As the locks in lift up handle doors and I believe the later push button types are vulnerable to picking I thought this might be a weak point. However when the CDL is activated and the doors locked with the remote, they cannot be opened from the outside with the key
I think this is quite a boon as it will make it more of a hassle for a naughty person to try and break in.