Right! Done a bit of measuring today and got some measurements off others!
So start with the other measurements. The series transmission is 27" (from earlier)
The series transmission plus a Rover V8 is 56.5" (gives an engine length of 29.5")
The series transmission plus a 2.5NA is 59" (gives an engine length of 32")
Now onto my measurements! I mocked up the LT230 and SM420 combo today using blocks of wood and a spirit level to get everything lined up, I then also measured the ZF box to see if that was any better.
Due to the shape of the SM420 with its large reverse gear bulge on the drivers side this does mean its a little awkward to fit as I cant slide it right next to the transfer case, this means it has to be offset forwards by about 5"
So onto the measurements (I'm rounding up on the 420 to 11 rather than 10.7 for ease)!
Rear face to end of crank = 27 3/16ths
Bellhousing adaptor = 1/2
Total = 27 11/16ths
The SM420 plus extras is;
Gearbox itself = 11
Bell housing = 6.5
LT230 = 11.5
SM420 - LT230 = 5 (this might be less, I think I miss measured tbh the gap looked a lot smaller)
Total = 34.5
Now the ZF box doesn't have the massive bulge for reverse gear on the drivers side meaning the LT230 can actually butt right up to the output on the box so....
ZF = 14.5
Bell housing = 6.5
Adaptor/mounting plate = 1/2
LT230 = 11.5
Total = 33
SM420 and 429;
27 11/16ths
Total = 62 1/16th
With the ZF box the overall length of the engine and transmission will be;
27 3/16ths
Total = 60 3/16ths
So the ZF set up would be 1 7/8ths shorter than the SM420 set up
This leaves me with a decision to make now, personally I still want to use the SM420 with the 429 as its a tougher box and has the granny gear so I'm going to make up the adaptor plates next week so I can do a mock up bolt in job and check for prop length on the Muncie and as long as we're over 16" then its good to go!
I don't need to raise the suspension anymore as I've found a rear oil pick up pipe for the 429 which means I can use a rear sump too leaving nothing to hit the front axle (the front piece will have a plate welded between the rails to protect)
Now there will also be no need for a flywheel spacer, I have acquired a nodular iron flywheel which can be machined to fit the crank pattern on the 429 so no adaptor to add extra leverage and potential crank damage.
The flywheel is off a 502 Chevy and is brand new, however it is for an externally balanced engine so this will be zero balanced with a clutch (Either Hays Supertruck or Centreforce dual friction)
As the crank will be getting drilled and as I need to remove the sump anyway to modify it and fit the new rear sump pick up I'll also take this chance to replace the shells with new Federal Mogul ones (£220 shipped via 5 day guaranteed delivery and customs paid from the states)
The timing chain was already sorted so this is fine it can stay put, I'll also drill out the two snapped water pump bolts and try and either re tap or helicoil them
Anyway have some pics
Knackered LT230 input gear (got a crossdrilled one to go in)
Inside the box
The series with its door tops on
Decided to take the top off the SM420 and have a gander.......
Fixing the gear stick with a bit of clothes hangar......the original pin had been removed at some point
And the box complete