brake shoes

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Hello I wonder if anyone could help, I've just finished building my series III 88" and put it in for it's MOT . Everything was fine but it failed on the brakes binding. Apart from the drums which I skimmed all components were new but I had great trouble getting a firm pedal without winding on the shoes. I know giving it 1000 miles or so they would be fine , but I don't know how to get it through it's test first.
Any ideas would be very helpful. ( before you ask it was a Britpart overhaul kit)
It can be a bit tricky to get them set up right.....couple of things to check assuming you've bled, changed fluid, bled again, swore, bled.....tired brake hoses expanding is a possibility. The other thing that occurs to me is I had a similar problem after changing my master cylinder and after much faffing about realized the replacement cylinder had a smaller bore than the original (2a 6cyl) though it fitted nicely. Couldn't source an original quickly so used a late series 3 one which solved the problem.
I've used new Goodrich hoses with new brake pipes and a new master cylinder which I will have a close look at regarding the bore,
thanks for that
I am also having trouble with S3 10inch brakes. just fitted new drums and shoes and two new rear cylinders. The brakes are terrible they judder so badly. I have had the drums of three times and things look ok. It is really annoying when new parts are fitting and the bloody things cause problems.
With the drum removed how much of the shoe has been in contact with the drum (rub marks)?
Not heard any good reports ever ref britpart shoes, have read lots of people recommend Mintex shoes.

I would say about an inch at each end, and when they touch i think it then flexes adding to the problem. I have purchased various Britpart parts and I know they are reasonably priced, but that dosen't mean they shouldn't work.
You can have issues with the curve of the shoes not matching the curve of the drums, especially if the drums have been skimmed and therefore are slightly larger than standard. If you still have the old shoes see if these are a better fit. I've had this (not on a Landy) and found I was better off getting the old shoes refurbished. If I remember rightly last time it was even cheaper than new shoes.
Luckily I kept the old ones which I put on the front and proved good enough to finally get a ticket. So after nearly a year off the road a galvanised chassis and a full mechanical re-build, we're back oin the road:)
Luckily I kept the old ones which I put on the front and proved good enough to finally get a ticket. So after nearly a year off the road a galvanised chassis and a full mechanical re-build, we're back oin the road:)
:5bcheers2::5bhurray::banana::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::clap2:Well done.