Its probably been covered before, but I was wondering if anyone was prepared to share their thoughts & experiences of the myriad of axle difflocks now available in 2024 for the standard Landy axles, non-Dana/Salsbury in particular. Costs, longevity, ability to withstand the abuse from large displacement engines, auto/air operated (with the ARB being at the top of this pile I'm thinking). I seem to recall automatically locking difflocks, otherwise known as limited slips being a little twitchy on icy roads as they engage resulting in a damp forehead - or worst case scenario, a new pair of pants! The irony is, that I already have an ARB fitted to an unfinished Landy project that I have yet to see in action but that's another story. I have onboard air in my 90 so an airlocker would not require additional kit which may turn out to be convenient. I know of many of the stories ;- 'Should not need one unless you are into serious off-roading' or 'If you were experienced enough then you would not need one', 'Nah, you'll keep breaking halfshafts/CV joints,' 'Better to invest in a good winch - or two!' etc. Its very easy to get carried away. Just curious to hear of others experiences on this subject, good or bad.