The old fibre board and fablon rear door card was looking extremely shabby and so I pushed the boat out and bought an ABS one from SP 4x4.
This is the door before fitting.
The heated screen wire had to go behind the glass retaining strips.
The door check strap allowed the door to open a bit too much, so I cut an old radiator mount to fit the check strap slot. Works a treat, little bit of suspension

Rubbed down and painted up the old door handle.
Annoyingly, non of the holes in the new door card lined up with the holes in the door.

So, going against my 'don't drill holes in it cos it'll just rust' policy I drilled holes in the door.

Mind you, I treated the holes (a few times) with wax oil and soaked the stainless self tappers in waxoil too
I'm not convinced by the black screw head covers that came with it. Light grey might have looked better. (I've no idea what that white mark is on the picture)
I know what you're all thinking. He lives up North and there's clear blue sky in that last picture! Took us by surprise too
Got the tow bar galvanised a few weeks ago and needed to sort the electrics out. Sick of buying steel brackets for the socket, but they rust quickly and go floppy. You can probably buy thick steel ones, but had some thick ali plate, so cut one out of that. Polished it up and lacquered it.
The damn masking tape labels I'd put on two years ago came off the wiring harness during that time

. So, it took a bit of multimetering and consulting of the wiring diagram Kwakerman sent me to sort it out. Trailer lights up now though.
When I put the door skin back on I sealed every possible join. Now, rather than run through to the inside, water fills the inside of the door handle up.
There's about 1/8 inch lying in it here.
I'm contemplating drilling a drain hole!

It would need an trim edge though, so I'm wondering if you can get a hollow pop rivet or something like that. I'm also wondering what it would look like filled to the brim with some of that clear modelling resin.