Bulkhead stripped.
Fortunately the shear bolts holding the steering lock on are made of very soft metal. I started drilling a hole with the view to putting something in it to tap it around. Realised I could push the drill to form a slot. Then put a big flat blade screw driver, came away easily.
Thought the front shocks would go in easily once the engine was in. Wrong!

LR specialist I bought them from said it was a tricky job as next to no thread shows. Using the braided straps that held the shocks together I improvised this system and it worked a treat.
Put the nut over the flat blade end of the shocker stud then put a cupped washer over it (cup up over)
Some timber under the chassis with the straps around it and timber in the top to compress the washer. The screwdriver stopped the two bits of wood closing in on each other preventing access to the nut.
I haven't tried to take this apart yet, but Is this breather serviceable or is it easier just to change it?
Started cleaning up the fuel tank thinking the seam would probably just fall apart. Didn't get that far cos it was perforated above the seam. Don't know how it wasn't leaking
This is it so far, although all the shocks are on since this picture.
Next job is to paint the new bulkhead when it arrives. Once I've learned to paint that is