Well, another weekend where I didn't get done as much as I had hoped.

Not to worry, still got a little done so getting there slowly.
Tried fitting the heater box, but it wouldn't fit. The holes in the footwell panel did not line up, so I had to drill and saw slots in the bracket.
The thick rubber seal was in no great shape and it was about £16 for a new one. Plus the original didn't fit that well up against the bulkhead. The hole in the heater box is massive, but the hole through the bulkhead is quite small.
I decided to try and fabricate a cover with the correct sized hole to fit the bulkhead.
I made a card template and used a section of the old rear door skin.
I'm hoping this will give and easier and tighter fit to the bulkhead.
I'd bought some 4mm air and water tight rivets for the rear windows.
However, when I thought they would be long enough I hadn't taken in to consideration the thickness of the new seal.

That's as far as I got, I'll need to buy some longer rivets.
So, I turned my attention to the front windows. Got the new runners cut and glued in place as well as the plastic filler trim. The butyl tape I'd bought arrived this week and so I could line the door with plastic.
I've put this in to guide any water ingress from the window down to the bottom of the door without flowing over everything. I've bought pipe to run from the upper drain holes through the door frame to outside, but I am having second thoughts about ventilation in there if I block all the holes. Some water will get in the frame from the door mechanism etc, question is how much? I've decided to leave the pipe idea for now. I think I'll leave the door card off so that I can see how much water I'm dealing with.
Got the glass and mechanisms set up in both front doors.
Shame about the rear windows, but hey ho.