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Ere chaps...could I ask everyone to have a think about stuff they could donate for the raffle for LZ 11

Last Year we raised money from the sale of the donated cakes and the raffle for the nominated charities and it'd be great to do it again

So was thinking. ..if you don't have anything to donate or money to splash out on a prize ..then what about donating your time or skill....something like two hours of free help with fixing a motor within a 20 mile radius of your home, or a meal cooked or a garden dug or a design drawn up. ..what ever talent or ability you posess will have some value to someone.

Was thinking that I'd provide an hours 'therapy' to the mad feckers on here who bought a raffle ticket :D

So dig deep chaps...even if you're not able to come for the weekend it'd be great if you could donate a gift :)

The 'secret' club I belong to ask attendees to bring a prize costing up to £5.00. Most people can afford that. Wine always goes down well as a prize. Of course more expensive prizes would also be very welcome :)
Heh, I'm eldest of three, and smallest (Can you believe that?) .. Bro is nearly two years younger but about 6' and built like a Gorilla, sister is 6 years younger and puts on 'the eyes' with the "Hey, big bruv, can you ... " whenever she wants something ... ;)

Love each other but best of all we're best friends too, holiday together, party together, argue like nothing else and see each other regularly.
Love each other but best of all we're best friends too, holiday together, party together, argue like nothing else and see each other regularly.

That's great :) I'm really close to my bro but we live at opposite ends of the country so only see each other a few times a year, speak to him every day. He used to terrorise me when I was little! Got him back once when he brought his first girlfriend out for dinner with the family. He was pulling the hairs out of my arms so I head butted him and gave him a bloody nose :lol: I was only about 7.
It seems the main difference between the other 'little' siblings here and me is that they ask their big brothers to do things for them...I avoid that as much as possible because whatever he touches he breaks :rolleyes:
It seems the main difference between the other 'little' siblings here and me is that they ask their big brothers to do things for them...I avoid that as much as possible because whatever he touches he breaks :rolleyes:

Oh - my bro is useless... I usually just try and get money out of him :lol:
:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi Money! Out of a big brother! Really?

Yeah... Mine has done alright for himself so I like to remind him of his poor ickle sister in the north who would really like those new trainers... Pweaseeee brudderrrrr wuvvv etc usually works :D