Well its all done, there was one hole and a couple of divots

I opened the hole out a little and fitted a stainless screw then scuffed the plastic up with coarse emery cloth, wiped down with a solvent and covered over the screw and divots with some JB-Weld epoxy.
It took two hours to strip out, half an hour to fix and and hour to put it all back and replace the half-tank of fuel i drained out into cans, i also slung in a bottle of injector cleaner for good measure.
I also fitted new ARB rubbers while it was off, didn't need them but for the sake of £4 it seemed a good idea. The ARB has to be dropped from the chassis, the two tow-bar side-arms have to come off and dont forget the breather, filler and vent pipes. The top strap also has to be undone - one bolt on the O/S near the filler pipe.
I left the sender unit connected and the wife juggled that around while i dropped the tank on a trolley jack along with its cradle. All the bolts came undone with some effort but all were ok. You have to drop the near-side of the tank a long way and then work the filler neck past the chassis.
I was surprised how big the tank was, no wonder it costs so much to fill up

Its heavy on its own so i would not recommend dropping it if there is any more than a cupful of fuel in it. I cleaned it all up, applied some more underseal to the floor repair and checked the chassis over, nice and sound all over.
Jobs discovered are that i need to fit some bungs in the rear floor outer panels, one side is just missing and the other was taken out when the towbar was wired, why people cant use grommets when running cables through panels i dont know. The rear axle breather is also snapped near the diff. Both of these will likely wait until it warms up, i'm not likely to go wading. There is still the matter of the blasted water leak in the back to fix as well.
One good thing i discovered is that the towbar is wired for both 12N and 12S plugs, the grey 12S one is hidden behind the towhook bracket.
Hopefully thats the end of this episode, many thanks to all those who offered support as always.