Aaron's 90 rebuild (Round 2)

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Yes, I was reading all of that elsewhere last night XRIZLAX.
Kind of says what I've been told.
I think anyway, some of it is gobbledygook to me.
But something I didn't know and it also says is, if you're out of work for 4 consecutive weeks you can also apply for redundancy.
Which it's been about 6 weeks since we lasted worked.

Have you got a Citizens Advice Bureau near you. They will tell you your rights and you won't have to pay them for their service.

Yes, we have one locally I believe, if I'm honest, I'm not sure I can even be arsed with the hassle.
Or if I'm even going to quit yet.
Part of me says take every penny you can because he's effectively done the same, use and abuse.
Or just get it over and done with and out of my life.
Payment is 1/2 weeks pay for every year under the age of 22.
Or a full weeks pay for every year over the age of 22.
Been their 4 years, so entitled to 3 1/2 weeks pay effectively.
Which is about £850 ish, suppose it's better in my pocket than his.
Sick of him winning all the time! Why should he get to screw everyone over :mad:
God I f*cking hate the c*nt.

I ain't reading all that Aaron lol...

:lol: I didn't post it, but I had a little light reading elsewhere last night.
hi aaron, it can be a bit much all that legal stuff to take in, but there are peeps out there to help.
any way cocker, only you will know what feels the right thing to do.
i think all the replies you have had regarding your work situation shows all the folk that have read your rebuild threads think your a decent chap and deserve to be treated right.
hope things go ok with the new job, and if its what you want, hope it turns out to be permanent.
as for my down pipe, only managed to shear one bolt, luckily it was the one furthest from the engine bloc and i managed to get in and drilled it out. oh and not too bad with the rain lol.
hi aaron, it can be a bit much all that legal stuff to take in, but there are peeps out there to help.
any way cocker, only you will know what feels the right thing to do.
i think all the replies you have had regarding your work situation shows all the folk that have read your rebuild threads think your a decent chap and deserve to be treated right.
hope things go ok with the new job, and if its what you want, hope it turns out to be permanent.
as for my down pipe, only managed to shear one bolt, luckily it was the one furthest from the engine bloc and i managed to get in and drilled it out. oh and not too bad with the rain lol.

Yes it can mate, it's not exactly one of my strong points.
And yes, the amount of support and help I've gotten on here does help. As I've said before, I've no one to speak to as such, so put most things on here to get it off my chest.
Or it just builds up and makes me even more angry.

It isn't really what I want to do, well actually if truth be told, that's a lie as I don't know what I want. But I'll take this while I can.
Oh and glad the exhaust went ok mate :)

Do what you can mate, save up and go it on your own, got knows you're skilled enough :)

Cheers mate :)
Yep, the plan is to just do what I can while it's their, I need to re-coupe some money after spending far to much last year.
Anyway, first week over, and by god I'm not used to this digging and barrowing lark :eek: Not exactly built for it though :eek:
But a happier person overall.
Although as sods law would have it '****y chops' rang me today. Well actually I missed it as I was busy.
So that means one of two things.
Either, he's got a job and wants me to work Monday.
Or, he's going to lay me off.
I've not rang him back yet as I want to be prepared for what ever he asks.
But after this week, as I said. I'm much happier, even if it is harder work.
So basically I don't want to work for the nobber.
If he says we've got a job starting Monday, should I feel bad telling him I don't want to work for him anymore?
My issue is that I've took a days wage a week off him, then telling him, nah, don't wana work for you anymore.
So kinda feel bad about it. Although I guess he's used me too.
I don't know, maybe my morals are all wrong and don't know what to do :5bwilly_nilly:
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Find out what he wants. If it's to lay you off say fine you'll take redundancy.

If it's for a job tell him you are resigning with immediate effect.
Follow your heart Aaron - it really is the only way

If you're truly done with 'him' and he's not treated you decently, I personally wouldn't stress too much at just saying 'ta but no ta' and calling it a day

People have to earn loyalty, it isn't a given!
Cheers for the reply's chaps.
I needn't had worried anyhow, as I'm now officially laid off.

Asked him if I'm entitled to redundancy or anything (acting thick to see what he says)

He said 'Not really, you've had £6k off me this year already and only done 10 weeks work'

I said 'Yeah, but you paid me that so I didn't go and get another job and you could keep me. And obviously I've lost a fortune in wages waiting for you'

He then said 'Well you can claim it if you want, but anything we had before will be gone! and obviously it will come out of my money!'

So his 'Not really' soon turned into trying to guilt trip me into not claiming it :rolleyes:
Glad to be finally free of the c*nt really, so now I need a plan.
Decide what it is you want to do , then make about getting a job doing it.

Yeah, that's the thing, I have no idea what I want to do :eek:

Its obvious you have one of those annoying to others traits of "being good at what ever he wants to be" tallents.

Nah, not at all, I feel pretty useless at the best of times.
Just give my all and hope for the best.
Theirs not a lot else I can do, sometimes it's just got to work.

Just claim against the c**t he knows he owes you a **** load of money!

He's just trying it on as per usual.
It's not massive amounts of money but better in my pocket than his.
It's half a weeks wages for every year under the age of 22
And a weeks wage for every year over 22.
So I'm owed 3 1/2 weeks pay effectively.

20 hours x £6.75 = £135.

40 hours x £6.75 = £270 x 3 weeks = £810.

£135 + £810 = £945 owed.

visit the CAB, get advise.

Going to try and get in the week.