Picked up the Ambulance today...well....yesterday but got home today, a '78 Marshall bodied 2 1/4 petrol Series III which had been stood up not running since April.
Went to see her last weekend and got her running well enough to attempt the 150 miles home so yesterday grabbed a lift with Pikey (shed loads of thanks and a few thousand favours due....) and went to get her with a 110 full of bits, tools and oils.
Pinched Pikeys aux battery, fired up and headed for the nearest decent sized lay-by to do a full fluid change and replace a badly leaking hub seal which all went well enough but as it was getting dark, tired and hungry we abandoned attempts to get the dipped headlights working and settled into a trading estate for the night.
The journey back today was straight forward enough, apart from me getting lost every 5 mins (I like taking the scenic route

) she runs well with a quiet gearbox and diffs and I'd taken a proper Series steering wheel to replace the silly little sports jobby that was on it so it was possible to drive round corners.
We arrived back about 2 ish with the brakes getting hard so we threw everything out of the back and replaced a section of the servo pipe that was kinked which sorted that out and off I headed to the MOT station.
She failed on what I knew she would (lights)
Passed on what I was concerned about (chassis/bushes/bulkhead etc)
And failed on something I hadn't thought to worry about (emissions)
Popped in to see a friendly Indy on the way home who chatted away for about half an hour about what the cause of failing the HC part of the test might be while I grinned stupidly and resolved to do some indepth reading about hotstarts, vacuum advance and some bizzare petrol related thingy called a dizzy
Yeah yeah I know :nopics: but my phones been dead for most of the last 24hrs, it's dark and raining, it's parked up 1/4 mile away and at present looks like it's been painted with a mop by a baboon on amphetamines....but Pikey might have taked a few and I will as and when there's something interesting to see