OK, update:
Put some injector cleaner in this morning. Started her up, as before it was like I was auditioning for the red arrows. As I drove through the village the houses on either side were completely obscured. Anyway, stopped about half a mile up the road with the engine running, took the oil cap off and slight change to engine note/revs but no great sucking vacuum. The smoke seemed to be clearing and I drove on, she changed over to LPG as normal and I then I stopped again, switched the LPG off and NO recurrence of the smoke. Went for a 30 mile drive, absolutely no problems, going great. So, contrary to what I previously thought, it does not seem to be a petrol related issue (unless the injector cleaner worked that quickly? Doubt it...) but a when cold thing. I am gong to let her cool down and then try starting again in a few hours.
The engine light came up again after about 15 miles, which was for the 171 and 174 codes (this came up when I was on LPG), BUT I now also have 172 and 175 codes pending - which is running too rich! Hmmm, MAF?
I did take the engine cover off before all this just to check I hadn't knocked a hose or something off when I did it last week, and all fine, BUT I did open the air box and the filter is like the inside of an old Dyson, so a new filter is needed methinks. Although as the smoke clears when she's warm I doubt if this is causing the smoking..??