what/where is the sedimentor and is it easy to take off and clean ? easy to do for a 1st timer ? dont think i should takle the intercooler myself tho
do i need to do the penny trick ? the belt was replaced but still squeeks a little on the odd occasion but not all the time
1. Fuel sedimentor - this is a grey filter-looking thing attached to the chassis on the drivers (rhs) side, just in front of the rear wheel on the inside of the chassis rail.
To remove the bowl for cleaning you will need an 11mm ring spanner, an ice cream carton or similar plastic box and a rubber mallet or similar.
The bowl-retaining bolt is on the top of the unit, in the middle. Fully undo the bolt but leave in place. Now remove the bowl with the plastic box ready to catch loose diesel. You may find that the bowl needs taping lightly to break the seal of the bowl on it's rubber seal.
Remove the bowl and marvel at the pondlife within - normally anyway
Clean the bowl and reinstall. Should take you about 30mins the first time.
2. Cleaning the intercooler - this is an easy job and you'll feel the difference when done. Basically you are going to disconnect and lift out the intercooler and wash it out inside with white spirit or petrol.
So, first remove the radiator black metal top plate, held in by 4 bolts - 13mm I think. Then undo the bolt (13mm) that holds the pas reservoir in place and set the reservoir to one side. Now remove the top and bottom hoses by undoing the jubilee clips and removing the rubber hoses.
Once that is done you can lift out the intercooler and lay it down. Pour in 1 to 2 ltrs of preferred cleansing spirit, block up both ends with old rags and agitate. Set aside for a minimum of 3hrs or overnight.
Now empty the fluid out, put in another 1 ltr, agitate vigorously and empty. NB. Allow to fully dry !!!!
Once dry reinstall, as per above but leave the top hose disconnected. Making sure nothing will foul, start the engine. Any spirit vapours will now be pumped out of the intercooler during 1 minute, Now stop the engine and finish the re-installation.
It's a lot easier to do than to write about.
3. The penny trick - this modification, if done correctly will reduce or stop the "canary" noises coming from the belt.
You will need a 15mm socket, a viscous fan spanner (ideally) a long breaker bar and 1 penny piece.
First of all, remove the black plastic fan cover by undoing the clip and lifting away. Now remove the viscous fan by turn the spanner clockwise (it's a left-hand thread). This step is not ESSENTIAL but does give better access.
Now you will see the tensioner. Place the 15mm socket on the tensioner wheel nut and with the long breaker bar lever to the left ie anti-clockwise. You will feel it working against a strong spring - that is normal. once it has lifted away, slip the belt from underneath the tensioner and release the tensioner.
Now using the same socket, slacken the 15mm bolt that is approx 4" to the left and holds the tensioner assembly to the engine block. Only slacken this enough to slip the penny piece in between the tensioner and the block, at the position of 9'o clock. Now retighten the retaining nut, reinstall the belt, and all the other bits and test run the engine.
If you can do these tasks successfully you can do anything on a Disco.