Thanks both.

As an IBM regional specialist in the Customer Engineering division the "Change 1 thing at a time" isn't lost on me; its standard practice. NO, the needle change on its own has not stopped it popping and farting, so I am really interested in seeing what the actual timing is currently.
While I am told the engine is from a 1275 Metro, and the CAM is "standard" there is no engine serial number on the block for me to decode to prove this fact, so we have to take this on trust for the moment. The Vizard-Wizards tome doesn't really cover hybrid bitsa situations where you have inherited a load of unknowns, so looking on the mini forum(s) the suggestion is that it should be limited under full vac-advance to 32..34 BTDC at high revs (3k and over), and 8..12 BTDC with no vac-advance connected. I want the timing light (should be here tomorrow now) so I can be sure to know exactly where it is set.

I have checked all the valve clearances are 12 thou' on a cold engine, so that should be ticked off the list.
We have put a Mini-Metro std needle in (BDL) so that should put the fuelling in the right ball-park (may need tuning).
Now the ignition timing needs definitively setting to start off at a correct "ball-park" within a couple of degrees either way.
I'm going to get there....... 1 step at a time.

With you guys behind me how can I possibly fail?