That’s a great point , funny though the one that doesn’t support the keys or injectors is the Autel ,but Autel diagnosis will program keys and injectors , maybe that’s why amazon is one of the most expensive in having 25 x functionsI'm wondering if there are clones of the Ap 200 about, which have different functions. If they can't code injectors or carry out service routines like air path calibrations or other new component calibrations they're pretty useless IMO.
My IID just stopped working one day. When I last tried to get it to work, I couldn't connect to it with the PC, and whilst the phone app connects, it just says that it's busy and may be updating. There's only so long I can leave it in the OBD port, but leaving it connected for over an hour didn't achieved anything from it.
I'm tempted to send it back to Gap, but by the time I've paid for postage, then be told it's broken once it arrives, I'd be worse off than I am with it sitting in a drawer.
Maybe I can sell it as for parts only?
See it also says it’s a simplified version of the Autel mx808 and have one of those and must confess is very comprehensive , alas though the software updates every 2-3 x years there asking around £200 , won’t bother paying for any updates as expect it’s just for new models which won’t effect me

[UK/ EU Ship] Autel MaxiAP AP200 Bluetooth OBD2 Code Reader with Full Systems Diagnoses, Simplified Edition of MK808/MX808, Free Delivery
The wireless diagnostic interface MaxiAP AP200 is a small interface adapter used to connect to a vehicle’s diagnostic connector (DLC) and connect with the Android or iOS device for vehicle data transmission, making your Android or iOS devices a powerful diagnostic tool. The package includes a...

Ah I see with regards to the gap iid, wonder if pat can help u in any way, still have his email of u wish me to send it over to u via a pm
Great in one sense that where more aware about the ap 200 and it restrictions,
Thks again