Visiting my sister in Banff and needed to pop into the robbi.... I mean very fair (NOT) Esso station for some WD40. I spray it on the door rubbers so I can get in on a frosty day...especially after I just washed her. Her being a P38.
Anyway, I see a man in a Freelander not having much luck starting it.
I asked what was wrong?
"My key wont go in!"
"I am supposed to collect my wife and I don't have the phone so I cant even call her...."
I had a look. The little metal thingy was preventing the key going into the ignition. I fixed it in less than 5 seconds
Got a toenail clippers, the ones with the little file and a pointy pick on the end. Slipped it in, lifted the little metal thingy and popped the key in beside it, pulled out the file and fired her up
Happy? He was almost in tears! He'd been there for ages and was panicking. Gave me 20 quid
Tried to refuse but "you saved my life!" and he forced it in my hand. He went off happy as larry 
So, there we go, an easy fix and at the side of the road with a toenail clippers

Yes, yes, I'm a genius, but then with LR ownership, you have to be
Anyway, I see a man in a Freelander not having much luck starting it.
I asked what was wrong?
"My key wont go in!"
I had a look. The little metal thingy was preventing the key going into the ignition. I fixed it in less than 5 seconds
Got a toenail clippers, the ones with the little file and a pointy pick on the end. Slipped it in, lifted the little metal thingy and popped the key in beside it, pulled out the file and fired her up
Happy? He was almost in tears! He'd been there for ages and was panicking. Gave me 20 quid
So, there we go, an easy fix and at the side of the road with a toenail clippers
Yes, yes, I'm a genius, but then with LR ownership, you have to be