VCUs - The sweet spot

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rear diff temp will largely vary depending on speed and length of journey plus weather, and it stands to reason that any differential in speed between back and front will give stress the greater the difference he greater the stress and the shorter life of vcu
and surely the greater the stress, the higher the temp at which the diff operates.

Lawn cut - still no nearer to 4WD!
rear diff temp will largely vary depending on speed and length of journey plus weather, and it stands to reason that any differential in speed between back and front will give stress the greater the difference he greater the stress and the shorter life of vcu
Don't have the results to hand at the moment but in general I found there was an upper temp with and without the vcu being fitted. Lower of the 2 being when the vcu wasn't fitted. Ambient temp makes a difference at the start of the trip but after several miles it didn't make that much of a change. I took measurements daily over a period of time on the same trip to work. Also a few longer trips of 50+ miles.
Don't have the results to hand at the moment but in general I found there was an upper temp with and without the vcu being fitted. Lower of the 2 being when the vcu wasn't fitted. Ambient temp makes a difference at the start of the trip but after several miles it didn't make that much of a change. I took measurements daily over a period of time on the same trip to work. Also a few longer trips of 50+ miles.
depends on oil viscosity too
Diff temperature is relative to work being done. The higher work done (torque transfer) the higher the temperature. LR new this, this is why the cooled the IRD. The IRD is taking huge amounts of torque on small diameter gears and bearings. This pushes oil temperature up unless controlled by the cooler. The rear diff, having a larger case and lower torque transfer, dissipates it's heat without the need for extra cooling. However it's heat will rise above ambient as it's taking torque. I, like Hippo have measured this myself.
yes immediately before failure in the case of bearings

Here is a (poor) scan of a page in my F.A.G. bearing catalogue - general case I know but suggests normally bearings are good up to 120C after which they have several grades of heat treatment up to 300C


  • Bearing temperature.JPG
    Bearing temperature.JPG
    62.9 KB · Views: 178
I think you missed my point entirely - I'm not talking about the point past the point of lockup where the ABS kicks in. (I'm entirely aware of how ABS works!)

My point is that with no centre diff the drivetrain prevents a single wheel or an entire axle getting to the point of locking while the vehicle is at speed.

If you take a model of the drive train, the VCU tries to force the front axle to rotate at the same speed as the rear axle.

This means if you stand on the brakes really hard in a situation that would normally lock both front wheels - you're in a situation where the brakes have stopped the front diff, but the rear wheels still have traction and are turning. In this situation you have Rear (200 RPM) = VCU LOCK = Front (0 RPM)

Which means you end up in a torque fight through the VCU where the rear axle is trying to force the front axle to not keep turning and the locked front axle is trying to bring the rear axle to a complete stop. Which means that when you REALLY stand on the brakes to the point of lockup the VCU is redistributing the brake force through all four wheels.

With me so far?

When you apply this one step further...

Remember a differential is a basic equation of input RPM x 2 = left rpm + right rpm

In a normal FWD car this equals gearbox output RPM x 2 = left wheel + right wheel so when you stand on the brakes and lock up one front wheel there's an escape route for the extra rpms. IE Your engine RPMS will suddenly drop because a wheel is locked so theres a torque escape route.

The freelander VCU drivetrain is a special case though - you cannot lock just one wheel, you'd HAVE to lock one front and one back at the same time to compensate. If you break it down to a mathematical model (and assume that the front and rear axles are the same ratio for the time being) you're in a situation where:

Front Left Wheel RPM + Front Right Wheel RPM = Rear Left Wheel RPM + Rear Right Wheel RPM

So if you're spinning at 200 RPM:

200 + 200 = 200 + 200

So if a front wheel attempts to lock you end up in a situation:

200 + 0 != 200 + 200

And if you go back to the example above trying to lock a single axle you get:

0 + 0 != 200 + 200

In reality it'll allow a certain amount of slip, BUT, it will do it's damndest to prevent a lock OR transmit a sympathetic lock to another axle.
The overall effect of this will be that the drive train tries to eliminate an axle starting to move towards not spinning at the same speed as the others - effectively redistributing any excess brake force from the front axle to the back axle. (I'm betting that's another reason they altered the ratios front to back, to stop the front axle transmitting a complete lock to the back axle in an emergency.)

The freelander is a special case in this - the tratter boys won't see this effect because they have a centre diff which means if you lock an axle you get the same effect as a purely FWD car - the escaping torque goes back to the engine.

For my Discovery, I have a full systems diagnostic doodad that allows my to log and graph the ABS sensor feedback, straight to my smartphone or tablet. This would be handy for providing information on wheel speeds front and back, under heavy braking. Sadly this very clever doodad won't work on the Freelander 1. It doesn't even recognise it's in the data port, so I can't test it myself.
I'm sure only the fronts locked. It's almost worth trying this while filming the VCU to see for sure. I suspect that LR designed in a maximum torque transfer through the VCU.
The Freelander wasn't the only vehicle to use the VCU. The earlier Scooby used them too. They are, or were available with differing torque abilities to fine tune the 4WD system for different uses.

If I remember correctly, all of the Scooby AWD systems use a visco coupling in the gearbox centre diff (and are just as prone to exploding the bearings as the freelander is!)
Everything upto the WRX imprezas use viscous and it was only the heavier cars and the STi models that got 4wd and a true centre diff.

Some of the VW group 4wd systems also use it, as most of the reading about visco fluids I've been doing are about rebuilding the VW VCU. (Theirs was serviceable :( )

The viscous coupling is actually a great idea, as long as it's serviced properly, exploding transmission components are not confined to freelanders - in fact, the Subaru boys tend to get it a bit worse than we do - their centre coupling dies and takes most of the gearbox bearings with it. Most of them need an entire gearbox rebuild by 70k as you can't get at the VCU to change it/service it without pulling the box.
How much torque is the Scooby transferring?
I assume their vcu is in the gearbox?
For my Discovery, I have a full systems diagnostic doodad that allows my to log and graph the ABS sensor feedback, straight to my smartphone or tablet. This would be handy for providing information on wheel speeds front and back, under heavy braking. Sadly this very clever doodad won't work on the Freelander 1. It doesn't even recognise it's in the data port, so I can't test it myself.

Yeah, to be honest I don't think it's something that you'll ever really see in 99.99% of cases though - which I think is what hippo might have been getting at.
The brakes on a freelander are actually pretty good and most of us drive them fairly respectfully (sometimes out of lack of choice, we don't like being seasick.)

To get the effect I was describing you need special circumstances - like mud on the road, a patch of ice or snow under low braking force.
On snow it'd be a pretty cool thing to try and see the effect of - if we get any this year I may attempt it in the works car park and see what happens.

My example mainly centres around the idea of when you're driving on snow for example? You tend to trundle about slowly at 20 mph and only ever apply the brakes at what, 20%?
In a normal FWD car it'll quite frequently lock up one or both of the front wheels as you hit slippery/compacted snow even though you're only braking lightly.
(If we assume that the freelander has a standard 60/40 bias on the brakes, if you apply 20% brake force to the pedal you get 12% to the front wheels and 8% to the rear wheels - a 50% difference which is enough on loose surfaces to easily break the front wheels away in low traction scenarios without locking the back up. I accept this is a rare scenario, it's purely as an example. It's also massively more common if you're offroading on wet mud.)

In a freelander it's my theory (and the PDF sae paper alludes to it) that something special happens at this point - the VCU will try to stop differences in wheel rotations which will either redistribute the low braking force from that wheel to the other three wheels and attempt to keep it spinning. The whole point of the VCU was to keep both axles spinning at the same (or similar) speed under acceleration, but a knock on effect of that is that it also applies under deceleration.

In real world daily driving, you won't notice any effect as the point of sticktion on the tyres is VERY high on tarmac, so the braking forces involved generally mean when you go to lock up the front wheels you REALLY mean it - and the rear wheels are milliseconds behind in locking up (unless you have ABS etc etc.) I'd love to see the scenario involved where you mentioned that you've had the front wheels locked - the paper linked previously talked about "sausages" of viscous fluid forming and rolling between the plates. I wonder if this happens in the VCU?
How much torque is the Scooby transferring?
I assume their vcu is in the gearbox?

The '03 WRX engine has a peak torque just shy of 300NM
1st gear is 3.454
Final drive is 4.111

Which means at the centre diff they're popping about 4,259 NM of torque at the diff (I think.) Sort of similar to a freelander in first gear but remember that the 1st gear on a freelander is FAR shorter and the car is far heavier (and I bet the rolling radius of the wheels are smaller amplifying the torque laid down on the road.)

Our VCUs end up with far less torque going through them iirc because the propshaft is stepped up? [EDIT: Not quite I think, looking at this diagram the VCU sits on the back of the output shaft, so it's spinning at a slightly lower torque, probably similar to freelander kind of specs, or not far off.]

And yeah, their VCU is right inside the case at the back:
Yer average Scooby driver probably races everywhere which means lots of sudden torque/power. It's kind of nice to know that as that would put the vcu under a lot of pressure.
Yer average Scooby driver probably races everywhere which means lots of sudden torque/power. It's kind of nice to know that as that would put the vcu under a lot of pressure.

Yeah, they have very non linear power curves on the higher performance models too - they'll jump 200hp in a matter of 250 rpm which must be pretty traumatic on the drive train.

Interestingly looking at the diagram above they're set up identically to a freelander which is that they're FWD with a viscous coupling off to the back...
EDIT: I retract my previous statement - they've done something clever like the IRD does:
That's an interesting cut away - it shows it has a VCU (9) AND a Center Diff (10)!

Does that mean it is actually a Limited Slip Diff rather than just a VCU?

I think they must use the VCUs differently in different models because I wasn't aware that they had a conventional diff to the rear - just the coupling, and that the VCU could be disengaged by pulling a fuse - ie there must be an electrically actuated clutch between it and the gearbox/front diff.
That's an interesting cut away - it shows it has a VCU (9) AND a Center Diff (10)!

Does that mean it is actually a Limited Slip Diff rather than just a VCU?

I think they must use the VCUs differently in different models because I wasn't aware that they had a conventional diff to the rear - just the coupling, and that the VCU could be disengaged by pulling a fuse - ie there must be an electrically actuated clutch between it and the gearbox/front diff.
in a rr is an automatic locking diff, but because of the drag in a vcu imparts similar stress to a limited diff till it locks
Ugh, really need to get the 4wd back together on mine, with all this crap weather it's behaving like a dog on a polished floor.


I'm amazed at how easily the front tyres break away from the lights - though k series and budget tyres combined make it a bit frisky.
We've been told in the past by so called eggspurts 70 degrees is a marker point where the vcu has been over heated. I assume it's far hotter inside and this is the temp we feel outside. This would be the dissipated temp created by the sheering process. We can't prove this. Looking at the scooby setup their vcu is located in the gearbox which is a hotter environment, so presumably operating in a location which has a higher ambient temp.
The VCU in the Scooby works much like the VCU controlled centre diff in the RR P38. It's basic function is to limit the amount of slip in the diff. This gives enough slip so stop axle wind up, while giving drive to each axle. These VCU controlled diffs don't take and don't need to take as much torque as the Freelander type. I only know of a few vehicles with a VCU in line with the prop shafts. The Freelander, obviously. Then there's the VW Synchro system used in some earlier VW camper based vehicles. These VW VCUs were servicable units. The Renault Scenic RX4 uses an almost identical system to the Freelander except it's VCU is bolted to the front of its rear diff. The VCU can also be found inside some rear diffs, acting as a LSD.