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  1. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    Stepped back in time briefly yesterday when I saw these for sale
  2. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    There are loads of those on Utube if you feel like searching. Often in a case like this a tree has fallen and shorted out the LV, overloads it and sometimes boils the oil which can explode like this. The sparks can be the cables, the breakers or the internals once the oil shoots out.
  3. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    I know someone who's got a nice double decker, I doubt he'd want a dent in it though :stars:
  4. 6pot

    Series 3

    Good replies so far. Are you asking in order to keep track of what you spend vs what it is worth? Or are you thinking literally sale price later on? A couple of other thoughts, is restoration meaning its a wreck and you want to restore it to driveable or roadworthy, or all the way to 'good'...
  5. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    Raining here tonight. Last time we had snow I still had my Santana...
  6. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    Looks great, sort of what I guessed you might be aiming for when it was just the chain standing up.
  7. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    It can work like that but I think this has gone beyond that stage. I wish she'd said something sooner and there might have been some chance. Not looking forward to the day it happens.
  8. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    Well, they can't argue with that :) If there's no service that distant from a built up area it would be expensive to get it that distant, possibly impossible if needing to cross national park land. Better to be properly off grid anyway if possible.
  9. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    We have LPG cooking as well, use a similar amount to you per year but in smaller bottles - about 4x 12.5kg ones. 60 per week on coal is quite expensive though. -2 is pretty bitter I suppose so you'll get through it fast.
  10. 6pot

    Strange cranking issue - S3/300tdi conv

    Possibly the blindingly obvious but you mention disconnecting and reconnecting the battery +ve terminal - in addition to all the other suggestions make sure both battery terminal posts and the connectors are clean and tightly secured. If they are corroding, this may also extend to the cable...
  11. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    I've seen articles about these penalties and even bailiffs turning up. In this case I was driving, I did cross and I paid a bit late (lots of driving, fell asleep once home). Having paid and not heard anything more I assumed all OK but evidently even a few hours late they will not allocate the...
  12. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    Another problem with Spain is its like the US, all the autonomous regions have their own governments, laws and tax regimes which are not necessarily the same. The 'land grab' thing was quite a risk in Valencia in particular I seem to remember and to add insult to injury if they did grab part of...
  13. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    It's as well to get the paperwork sorted out properly for security of investment as much as peace of mind. If yours was a ruin it ought to be safe even in a natural park because presumably it was old. Similar rules apply here, generally anything built before 1975 is untouchable. I'm guessing...
  14. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    There were undoubtedly planning irregularities and corrupt officials in the late 90s/early 2000s plus some people just built stuff and regarded the resulting fine as part of the construction cost and was cheaper than doing it properly. This should have been stopped/properly regulated but wasn't...
  15. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    It's complicated, for a start she's Spanish and also the house has been standing for nearly 20 years. Unfortunately she received an 'infraction' before it was finished, we remember the police poking around at the time and it was subsequently completed. That is a big problem because with an...
  16. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    New year has not got off to a good start. Just received a Dart Charge penalty from September, challenged it just before the cut off to increasing from £70 to £105, rejected today. At least they were quick. Neighbour three doors up in Spain emailed this morning to say her house is being...
  17. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    I didn't read ahead before posting....
  18. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    Our internet is £60 pm but its satellite and free of any other strings such as phone nos or email accounts. Plus we can move the dish to Portugal and carry on using it because its inside the same spot beam, just. Planning to get a second dish and just move the modem thingy in future. The...
  19. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    It's so they don't get trodden on by another one
  20. 6pot

    I would just like to say

    I think I've still got the old dial-up modem in the loft somewhere...