found it...rave cd. bosch audio. press tone button 5 times to deactivate speed volume control.
Speed volume: Pressing the tone
control five times (centre button) will
invoke a speed volume display,
adjustment of this setting will not have
any effect to the tone control or unit...
depends, aerial or aerial fitting too. ebay is your friend. cant do it all for you.
I cant stand the bobble hat brigade....... they don't go up and repair/tidy up the lanes. The horsey types can do as much if not worse hoof damage. All banned, horses should be on bbq's, bobble hats on bonfire to pre-heat said BBQ....
doesn't get any easier, measure twice drill once. You only get one chance.
without the template its easy enough to be carefull and use the "lines" on the headlight glass to get it level.
Yanks, don't ya just love em!!! Their comical innocence, and they take the English language/place names so literally!! One I met asked if Burming-Ham was in London, which he thought was a country of the UK!